chapter 1: Rivet's love for Ratchy

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it was a great day at metropolis the birds were chirping, robots and tech buzzing around the city as usual and rivers running scarlet.

as everyone else was awake there was one lombax which was not.

and that was rivet the lombax that had recently joined her counter parts timeline to stay there with new friends but there was another reason why she said she wanted to stay  but it will be known as it was getting time for the morning and she was dozing off  until her alarm clock blasted out and she smashed it with her prosthetic metal arm.

as she got up and got dressed for another day she looked at the picture of ratchet

(Rivet's POV)

as i got up and got dressed i told kit to wait for me at the door because i had to do something important i then gazed up at a photo of ratchet before hugging it into my chest before signing back.

"i hope you can one day be mine ratchet."

to be honest i really liked ratchet- wait hell no!! i do not like him but love him i'm surprised not any single girl tried to steal him from me but i just hope ratchet can love but right now were just friends and he does not even know i love him.

as i was about to leave the room i heard my phone rang and it was ratchy and i was so nervous but i picked up the phone the conservation started something a little something like this.

"U-um hi ratchy?"

"ow hey rivet enjoying your stay here"

"i do but why are you calling me?"

"well my house is free and i just want to invite you in to tell you something"

this was maybe and just maybe my chance to tell him how i feel around him.

"AW ratchy i would love to but what time do you want to meet?"

"how does 10:30pm sound?"

i replied back to him as well.

"sounds good enough for me."

"alright then see ya then bye rivet".

"bye ratchy"

and as the conservation ended i landed back on my bed knowing that ratchet might love me back.

later on as rivet was going back to meet up with kit she told her that she was done what she was doing but little did she knew that kit listened onto her conservation with ratchet and so she asked the lombax about that.

kit: i know rivet what you were doing back there.

rivet: kit i-

kit: i am happy for you besides me and clank are a couple as well.

rivet: oh thanks and would you not mind me going to see ratchet?

kit: not at all.

later on as 10:15pm came around the time rivet decided to put on some fancy clothes like a red dress along with some black heels.

(Rivet's POV)

as i was done getting dressed i decided to leave but i so nervous of what will ratchet say to me but i hope he understands.

i then arrived at his door and i was yet again nervous but i took in a big breath in and out and rang the bell and awaited.

Eventually he opened the door and i had my prosprefic holding my other one out of embarassment.

the conservation went a little something like this.

"well you look fancy"

as soon as he said that i smiled a bit.


"wanna come in perhaps"

i felt weird knowing that something very strange that was going to happen but i decided to let myself in and as we sat down on his bed in his bedroom he grabbed both of my arms.

he then started the conservation as he beat me to it.

"i had a reason why i had brought you here rivet and that is because you are more than a friend to me and you mean so much to me all they way and all i can say is that i love you rivet.

i was so happy as he said that, he finally loves me i was in an emotional state but spoke up yet again.

"but i'll understand if you don't feel the same-

i then cut him off by giving him a kiss that he fell onto his bed and i pinned him as i kissed him long and hard and eventually he was kissing me back we parted for aair as we found it hard to breath.

"i love you too ratchy."

"but i love you more."

we then kissed and as it was getting dark he pulled me to his chest as he was laying down.

"this ways better of a way to sleep don't you agree rivety?"

i blushed at the nickname he gave me but i smiled.

"i would not have agreed with you there ratchy"

eventually he kissed me again and i felt like if was in wonderland and as if in a dream of my own reality there.

"goodnight beautiful"

"you too handsome"

and then we shared one final kiss before we fell asleep together as i put my yellow metal arm behind his head as i snuggled my head against his chin as he caressed my shoulder of my metal arm as bended my head to rub it and fell asleep on top of him.

P.S i love him so much and now he is mine and if any of you don't like it

well you can all go to hell and piss off cause his love is mine for the taking.

the end.

comment please.

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