chapter 2 the morning surprise

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as the morning came into metropolis every citizens and heroes were going about doing their jobs as usual and as same as robotics and technology but there were two lombaxes who weren't awake just yet.

and that was ratchet and rivet, the two lombaxes that fell in love from the beginning and confessed to each other the previous night and they ended it off in a nice,fluffy and romantic passion .

as the sun rose it flashed a ray on rivet's face to which caused her to suddenly awake and she was awake for a short while she looked at the lombax who she was sleeping on top off and smiled happily before going back to sleep.

then clank was coming into his bedroom.

clank: ratchet are you-

he soon found out the predicament that the two lombaxes, ratchet and rivet were in and so he silently left the room so that they wouldn't be disturbed and as he did so he awoke so see someone sleeping on top off him he smiled.

ratchet(thinking): i love this girl so much.

as ratchet was now awake he decided to get up along with rivet.

ratchet: rivet?

she moaned.


ratchet then smiled

ratchet: rivet its time to get up while there is still sunshine left.

rivet: 5 more minutes please.

ratchet smiled and smirked cause he knew yet another time again and  this he knew would get rivet to wake up, he kissed her on the lips so softly and passionately that it did the trick and woke her up.

rivet: what was the point of waking me up?

ratchet: well i only did it so i could see the full face of my beautiful girlfriend.

rivet looked away as ratchet called her beautiful and said that she was his girlfriend.

ratchet: i love you rivet.

he said while caressing her cheek.

she then got her metal arm behind his head and putted them behind his head.

rivet: i love you too my sweet charmer.

she then kissed him one more time as they got into the day.

tell me in the comments what do you want to happen next

another chapter tomorrow

bye for now.

rivetch: a love to be bound to happenWhere stories live. Discover now