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All first year students where currently waiting in the great-hall to get sorted, while the others years where watching and waiting for the feast to begin. Among many others,  where a group of boys were seated at the Gryffindor table, these boys where popularly known as the "Marauders"

The Marauders consist of 4 boys unparticular, the first boy name is James Potter also known as the "boy who only loves 2 women is his life" those women are his mother (obviously) and Lily Evans or in his eyes Lily-Flower. it is a well known fact the this boy absolutely odors the ginger, but she has never returned those feelings. 

The second member of this group is Remus Lupin. Remus is a smart student who always has chocolate and a book with him. He is known as the "sweet" and "nice" boy who you can always go for help. But what many people don't know is that he is a werewolf or in his friends eyes "little fury problem". 

The third member is Sirius Black. This teenager boy is particularly known as the "playboy" at least everybody in school fancies him or has been with him. But this boy has only one girl he loves more than anything Natali Petrov, a beautiful smart Ravenclaw. However because of his title she only sees him as a little flirt.

Lastly, Peter Pettigrew a shy young boy who is sadly known as the "follower". He only helps with pranks and sleeps and he isn't brainy. Really he's just there. Even though he is known as the follower the 3 boys treat him like there brother and vice versa. 

As the long black doors slam open the first years where getting ready to be sorted - some were nervous - some excited - some looked like they were going to be sick.

"Do me a favor and hurry up mini, I haven't got all day, and I'm bloody staving" Sirius grumbled at slammed is head on the table. 

"Padfoot you nearly eat the trolley full of sweats !" Remus said, while putting him book down. 

"Oh c'mon pads lighten up, this year is going to be bloody brilliant" James said in a very excitingly manner, while messing up Sirius hair. 

"HEY!, hand of the hair mate" Sirius yelled, hitting James arm away

"Anyway, don't you think my lily-flower looks stunning today" James said whilst staring dreamily right at her. 

"Yes prongs is not that hard to notice when you've already mentioned is 37 times" Remus said exhaustedly 

"Do you think she's finally going to accept me this year" James said whilst crossing his fingers in front of his face.  "yea maybe James" Remus said 

naturally everyone is Hogwarts knows that James is totally in love with the bright muggle-born witch, sadly she has denied him more times he can count.  

Whilst James was discussing his plan to get lily to love him this year with Sirius, Silas Conner a half-blood Wizard who is best friends with the marauders joined in with conversation "Do you know what you should do James" Silas said 

"What my brother Silas " 

"you should buy lily one hundred roses, chocolate and a new book. Then she will fall at your feet" Silas said with and happily expression. whist Remus just shook is head mumbling something under his breath. 

" That's fantastic, is that what you did with Eleonor then" James said in desperate need of help

"No, to be honest mate, me and el actually like each other" Silas said sadly. 

Everybody knows of the famous couple "Silas and Eleonor" they have only been together for a couple of months and yet everybody in the school is jealous of their relationship. 

"you know what prongs your lucky- at least lily knows you like her. Natali thinks I'm playing her when is realty I'm in love with her" Sirius said annoyingly 

At this point Remus is fed-up so he banged his head on the table and said " if i hear one more word about lily, El and Natali i am going to shoot myself"

"woah no need to be a sour wolf" replied pad-foot. 

"he's right you know" Peter said awakening from his nap.

whilst the boys where arguing, further down the Gryffindor table was 3 bright witches Lily Evans, Elenore Salvatore and Alice Fortescue. These three were inseparable along with the 2 Raveclaw girls Marlene McKinnon and Natali Petrov. The 5 have been best friends ever since there first year where they met on the Trian. 

"So El. How's it going with Silas" Alice said in a happy tone

"Its going amazing. i mean i couldn't ask for anyone better" Elenore says whilst looking around catching the eye of her boyfriends and smiling. 

"Aww that's so cute. I wish Potter will leave me alone this year" Lily said in a annoyingly mood whilst watching the first years get sorted 

"C'mon lils we both know that's never going to happen" Eleonor said while laughing at lily facial expression. 

"its true and you know it" Alice also said while laughing. 

"ugh whatever, be quiet anyway i think Dumbledore about to do his speech" lily says thinking its a way out from not talking about James potter. However Alice and El try to keep their laughter down.

Halfway through Dumbledore speech, a bright light appeared right in front of the staffs table showing the figures of many young adults. 

"it really did work Mione we re geniuses" a gorgeous blond haired girl said while looking around and giving the brown bushy head girl a side hug.  

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