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"it really did work Mione we re geniuses" a gorgeous blond haired girl said while looking around and giving the brown bushy head girl a side hug.

"Of course it worked, i did help" said a black headed boy that looks like a mini version of Sirius and Regulus

"out of all the stupid things we have done, this is by far the worst" said a ginger haired boy that looks like a Weasley. The students in the great hall are now realizing two familiar they look. The boy in the center with glasses looks like the identical twin of James potter. or how the blonde on the end looks like a Malfoy.

"Excuse me, but who are you ?" Dumbledore questioned

"oh yes, hi Dumbles....blimely you look young." Ariel said whilst some students stifly laughed.

"You cant say that. omg" Said a tall burnet boy with blonde highlights said while laughing

"Anyway if your done may be answer his question" a boy with glasses said, to which they nodded at. "to put it quite simply we are from the future" gaining questionable looks from students throughout the great hall.

"You cant be serious" lily said

"No he's not, he is" the blonde girl said pointing at Sirius, the boys behind her were laughing and earnings a smack from Hermione.

"How do we know your not death eaters trying to invaded the school" McGonagall her wand waving at the group of kids.

"I can assure we are not" Black-haired boy said " Ariel and i brewed some vertiaserum before we came" Hermione announced "You can have ask take some and ask us questions"

"i believe that is a good way to set things in order. All of you who have arrived take some veritasum and state your name, age and parents." Dumbledore ordered

Hermione smiled at the headmaster and shared out the vertisum "I guess ill go first. My name is Hermione granger, you wont be familiar with parents since I'm muggle born. I'm 23 years old". steeping back ignoring the projected looks she received form purebloods.

"I'm Ron Weasley, son of Arthur and Molly Weasley nee Prewet. i am 23 years old." Fabian and Gideon Prewet perked up in this moment and questioned "how many kids do Molly and Arthur have ? " "Well there's Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred and George, Ginny and i. so 7" Ron smiled informing his uncles.

"I'm Neville Longbottom. 23, My parents are Frank and Alice Longbottom" Lily and El nudged her friend who went bright red

"I'm Luna Lovegood, 22 years old" she said in her airy voice, "My parents are Xenophillus and Pandora Lovegood

"Blaise Zabini" a dark skinned boy said "23 years old, Lord of house Zabini. Cassandra Zabinis son."

"Theodore Nott, 23, lord of house Nott. Son of Thomas and Alexandra Nott."

"Hello, Caelum Black. Pleasure to meet you all, current or is it future Lord Black ?" All the black's perked up " I'm 23 years old, my parents are Sirius Black and Natali Black." Both teens flushed red, before Sirius ran over to the Ravenclaw table and gave Natali a kiss on the cheek.

"My name is Draco Malfoy. 23 years old, son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy" Narcissa gave him a warm smile.

"ill guess i will go next. My name is Harry Potter, son of James potter" James now had his fingers cross praying that the mother is his life long crush "Lilly potter, nice to meet you all"

Sirius, Remus and Silas counted to 5 before James jumping up and down. Lily went as red as her hair " i married a toe-rag" her friends were laughing while James was still celebrating "I GOT EVANS, I GOT EV-" that was before the blonde hair girl did a wandless silencing charm on him.

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