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[Kings cross station. Waling along a bridge was Harry with his cart and Hagrid. A couple look at Hagrid suspiciously.]

Hagrid: What are you looking at? [He checks his watch] Blimey, is that the time? Sorry Harry I'm gonna have to leave you. Dumbledore will be wanting his-- well, he'll be wanting to see me. Your train leaves in 10 minutes. [Handing him a ticket.] Here's your ticket. Stick to your ticket, that's very important.

Harry: [Looks down at the ticket.] "Platform 9/3-4". But, Hagrid, there must be a mistake. This says platforms 9 3/4. There's no such thing, is there? [Harry looks up, to see that Hagrid is not there.]

"Why would you leave him by himself?!!" Lily asked Hagrid furiously. 

"It's okay mum, i had help."

[Harry is walking down the platform. A man rushes bye.] Sorry.

[Harry sees a guard] Excuse me, excuse me. 

Guard: Right on your left, ma'am

Harry: Excuse me, sir. Can you tell where i might find platform 9 3/4?

"Oh Harry" Laughs

Guard: 9 3/4? think you're being funny, do you? [Walks away] Harry notices a women with children.

Women: It's the same every year, packed with Muggles. Come on. 

"It's us!!" Ron and Ginny exclaimed. 

Harry: Muggles?

Mrs. Weasley: Platform 9 3/4, this way.  All right Percy, you first. 

[Harry watch amazed as the first boy called Percy just disappeared by running into a wall.]

Mrs. Weasley: Fred, you next

George: He's not Fred i am. 

Fred: Honestly women, you call yourself our mother?

Mrs. Weasley: Oh, I'm sorry George. 

 Fred: [Moves towards the wall.]  I'm only joking, i am Fred. [ His brother then joining him.] 

Everyone laughs. 

"I like our nephews" The prewet twins say. 

"They are bloody brilliant.

Harry: Excuse me. Could you tell me how to ....? 

Mrs. Weasley: How to get onto the platforms? Not to worry dear. It's Ron's first time to Hogwarts as well. -

"Aww look how cute you are". Ginny pinching his cheeks.

- All you do is walk straight at the wall between platform 9 and 10. Best to run if you're nervous. 

Ginny: Good luck.


[Harry runs at the wall, he shuts his eyes, only to open to see platform 9 3/4, with a red train that says "Hogwarts express" Harry grins in relief.] 

[Harry is in a compartment alone, looking out the window. Ron appears.] 

Ron: Excuse me. Do you mind? Everywhere else is full.

Harry: Not at all. [ He sits opposite him.] I'm Ron by the way. Ron Weasley. 

Harry: I'm Harry. Harry Potter. 

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