And... Action!

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(Y/n) pondered on their crazy idea all day. Get themselves kidnapped too so they could finally find their friends? It's just playing in the mastermind's hand.. When everyone asked, (Y/N), Black Star and Tsubaki had to pass off that everyone had caught the flu and were at home. Of course, not a lot of people believed them..

So it was finally them. They walked through the dimly lighted streets of Death City. Alone. Tsubaki pursed her lips and looked around. "How unsettling.. Death City shouldn't be this empty even at night. It's so quiet and we're literally the only ones out." With a nod, Black Star heaved a sigh. "Why won't that damn Kishin just show up already?"

With this remark, Tsubaki sweatdropped at her partner. "Please don't jinx it, Black Star.." (Y/N) froze and the two ninja partners turned back to face her. "(Y/N)-chan?" The (e/c)ed girl pursed her lips, eyes darting around quickly. "It's here.." 

"Alright then.. Tsubaki. Enchanted Sword mode." "Yes.." The Japanese girl transformed into a sword as black as night and tattoos appeared on Black Star's arms and face. "Be careful, (Y/N)." Nodding, the girl looked around cautiously. "Yeah.. I know.. You two watch your backs too.."

"Main characters..! Mistress is patiently awaiting your arrival." The two flinched at the sudden voice and turned to the shadows, a large Kishin emerging from there. It eyed the weapon in Black Star's hand and cackled. "Oi! Who are you and what have you done to everyone else?!" The loud boy demanded from the evil thing.

"Ungues... Your friends are safe.. For now. Will you come?" It asked. Black Star and (Y/N) were equally relieved and disappointed. They had thought the Kishin would have put up a fight before bringing them to their friends.. Black Star dropped his guard. "Don't try anything funny and bring us there right now.."

Cackling once again, the Kishin backed up into the shadows and the two shared looks before following it cautiously. They walked for a while. Tsubaki returned to human form, but kept her guard up. The 4 eventually exit Death City and travelled for a bit. They reached a large, odd-shaped tower-like colloseum and (Y/N) furrowed her brows.

'Why would there be something like this in the middle of the desert.. With no one seeing it at all? This huge structure should be noticable from the top of the school's staircase..' She thought to herself. Ungues gestured to the entrance and (Y/N) clung on to Black Star's arm upon walking in doubtfully. "I don't like this.." the assassin murmured.

The Kishin eyed Tsubaki and his mistress' words echoed in his head. 'She is not needed.' Grinning, the Kishin held her back. "Only people who are part of the play are allowed to enter. You may be.. their audience." But how could Tsubaki trust this thing?

It was a Kishin after all. 

Attempting to call for her meister, Tsubaki took a quick breath. But it seemed nothing could beat Ungues' speed. It immediately shut the gates, leaving itself and Tsubaki outside and trapping (Y/N) and Black Star inside.

Upon hearing the gate fall shut, Black Star dart his head back and grit his teeth. "Damn! I knew we shouldn't have trust that thing! Now it has Tsubaki!" (Y/N) tugged on Black Star's arm. "Then let's hurry up and see what we can do about that, okay? Now's not the time to rage.." 

Taking a breath, the assassin nod. "Yeah.. I just want to find our friends and get out of this goddamn place.." The two continued through the dark corridor before the harsh sunlight blinded their eyes on the inside. (Y/N) squinted in order to adjust, "Well, I was right.. It's a colloseum.. Almost looks like some Greek Ampitheater to me.."

With this, Black Star gave her a blank face. "Greek Ampi-what now?" Sighing at the boy's dumbness, (Y/N) simply waved him off. "It's great that we're here and all, but we still need to find the others, so let's get serious-" "Ah~! So our stars have arrived~!"

Both being taken off guard by the sudden voice, the two turned their heads to see a middle aged woman standing on the seats of the colloseum. "Stars..?" (Y/N) whispered to herself. Black Star clenched his fist and took a step forward. "Oi! Who are you and where's everyone else?!"

The woman's laugh filled the colloseum and she placed a hand on her hip. "I'm Telesto~! I'm the director of this little play and you and your friends are all the actors, see? They're safe with me and you can see them once their roles come in! They're all just background characters after all.. You two are the stars of this show."

 "See, this is how things are going to work. All you and your friends have to do is give me a good show, and I'll let you go. That won't be too hard, right?" The woman teased. Black Star scoffed, "You kidnapped all of our friends just for  your personal entertainment..?" Blinking, she simply nod. "That's right. Looks like you're not so dumb after all, boy."

"Who are you calling dumb?!" He yelled. (Y/N) sweatdropped. "Enough, Black Star.. We're just here to get everyone back.. You agreed to it too, remember?  No raging.." Scratching his head, the ninja sighed. "Yeah, yeah.. Let's just get this over with.. Hey, old lady! When's this stupid stuff gonna start anyways?" Telesto twitched. "Old lady..?" 

She shook her head and clapped. "You're eager to get started, huh? Very well. We start in a few minutes so go on and get ready." Without question, the two immediately appeared in an unknown area. They looked around and shared glances. "(Y/N)! Black Star!"

(Y/N) gasped at the familiar male's voice. And relief had filled her body as she and her partner turned around.

" Kid! "

Major Sky (It Started With A Fight SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now