Chpt.1 (the news)

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*BEEP BEEP* the alarm Go's off.. I wake up around 6:30am..
(Joes p.o.v)

I take a shower,dry my hair,get a crop top in with black skinny jeans with my black and white vans,I put my hair in a French braid and put make up and I start my day... Nash;what are u wearing? Me; ahh my clothes duh.. Nash; why are u wearing that who are u tryna impress... I rolled my eyes and got my back pack and my penny board.. Before I left the house my mom called me in the room.. "Hey mom what's up" Nash tell her" my mom said.. Nash;fine!.. I have to let u go on tour with me and u have to listen the whole time.. I said ok and I went off.. He yelled that we are leaving in two days so I have to pack... I was walking to school and of course cameron just had to drive right up to me and make fun of me 😐 I'm not saying he's a Bully but he always had to pick on me.. He is Nash's best friend so of course I had to be nice.. "Hop in I'll take u to school" so I went In.. "Cameron;so are u happ u get to come with us in tour" Me; no not really 😐 i just wanted to stay home for summer... Well we got to my school we just say in the parking lot for a little bit because we got there 20min early.. Cameron;listen joe joe can we talk(he calls me that) "sure what's up" "cameron;well I really like you and I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date"..... Now cameron was mean to me but he was like a brother to me to her was there when I had my dirt boy friend.. Yea I do like him but I can't because Nash would kill us... Me;well idk because Nash" "Cameron;oh ok well it's ok" "me; wait! Do u hate me cause I said no?" "Nah it's ok I understand stand

Hey! Guys I will try to post everyday but if I don't im sorry and I wont be sending u messages like I am doing right now or a Q&A I will do it and the end maybe..

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