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Cameron;well.. I'm sorry that I.. I...i... I Raped you...

Me; Cameron.... We can't speak about that!!! Shut up! I told you I forgave you... We were 12 ok... You were all hornormal and one thing led to another... And if they find out they will put you in jail..

Cameron; idc!! Ok I deserve too go to jail.. I'm so! Sorry that I was your first.. I know you didn't want to.. And I was mad that night and Nash and I had a bet that I couldn't kiss you in the barn.. And so we had it palnd and I'm so sorry and I'm pretty sure Nash is too.. Oh god!! I'm so sorry joe... I didn't mean to.. And Nash is too.. I'm sorry I had him hold you down well I did that to you.. I was just so in love with you.. And I thought If I started to do that to you then you would see That you might love me..

Me;Cameron... Plz stop..

Cameron; no follow me we have to talk about this

He grabbs me by my hand and drive off.. We ended up in the wood and a shed.. I sat down in the bed.. I was so scared

Cameron; ok now we have enough time to talk

Me;Cameron I told you it ok..

Cameron: no!! I would understand if I did it once to you but I did it every time I was angry and that was almost everyday..

Me;at lease I didn't get pregnant..

Cameron; yea.. But if you did I would totally be there for you.. I'm just so sorry.. I really do like you.. And Nash has nightmares about all the times..

Me; cam.. It's ok

Cameron; I'm just so sorry I know you don't love me but I love you so much you don't understa-

Me;cam.. I understand stand... And I love you too.. I love you more then anything.. I know i should t but I do! I just can't be with you.. Nash and Hayes will get mad...

Cameron; you love me?😓😕😐😃😃😃.

Me; more then You think..

Cameron; I messed it up between us eh? Oh god I did I'm so messed up why is this happening to me ugh I hate my lif-

He whole sentence I try to say his name but all I got out was cam. Until I yelled his name

Me; cam!!


Me; I'm glad your my first.. Even tho I was sceard the first couple times.. And if you would just shut up and let me kiss you...

He looked so confused.. I then but both of my hands hold his whole hand by the sides where is ears were And I kissed him.. He kissed back after a few seconds.. It got pretty heated for a second till he pulled away

Cameron; will you be my girlfriend ?

Me;hell yes just kiss me again

We made out for god knows how long.. Then we decided we should get back to school since we missed almost every period and it was lunch.. Period 4 lunch!!!

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