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Will hurried off to his cabin and locked himself in. The unbearable feeling of sorrow and hurt filled his mind again. He was happy to talk to Nico again. But the heart shattering dismay he was feeling when Nico didn't remember who he was. He couldn't hold the tears collecting in eyes. He forced himself to be cool and casual but deep inside he was being punched a million times. Why did Nico even save him? Will could've just died like he was supposed to and Nico would be okay.

Will buried his face in his palms, The tears from his eyes rolled over his cheeks as he sulked and cried for the whole afternoon. Nico was so different now. He wasn't himself anymore. What happened to him in New Rome that changed him?

Will could still recall the excitement he had when he heard that Nico was back in Camp Half-Blood. He was just so happy and relieved that the only guy he loved was home and safe. But his happiness and excitement was replaced with hurt when he saw the look on Nico's face when he hugged him. It was almost he completely forgot of who he was. Will was devastated and broken. He even tried to ask Jason's help but the dude couldn't do anything about it either. There are times when Will tried to drink Lethe water inorder to forget the pain he has in his heart. If oinly he was there when Nico needed him. It was his fault after all.

"Are you happy now?" Will yelled. "Are you satisfied Pietho?!".

He felt his world crumbling to dust. He punched the walls and broke every vase in his room. The tears on his eyes won't stop. Did Will deserve this torture? He was only seeking the love that was for him, and it was with Nico. Is that too much? How did he mess up his life?

"Will?" a soft voice said from behind his door.

"Yeah?" Will replied, trying to force the tears in his eyes to stop.

"Are you ok?" the voice said.

"Yeah." he repeated.

"It's Nyssa, can I come in?"

"Yeah" Will said weakly, drying his tears away.

The door creaked open and behind it was a girl. She was the same age as Will. She was beautiful. Her hair was black as tar, which complimented her brown eyes and chocolate skin. She was wearing a orange camp shirt with a sloghtly greased up apron and boots. He braded her hair and wrapped a bandanna over her head. Her name was Nyssa. She was Will's past girlfriend.

"Hi, Nyssa" Will said, not making eye contact.

"Are you sure you're okay?" the daughter of Hephaestus said, as she placed her hand over Will's shoulder.

"Yeah." Will lied.

"I know you're not" Nyssa said. "You make that unnecessary fidget with your hands when you have a problem".

"Please Nessa, just leave me alone" Will snapped.

"I'm not here about us" she said. "I'm here about you".

"There's n-"

"Yes, I know. There's no us anymore" Nyssa said, her face darkened. "But it doesn't mean I don't care about you anymore Will".

Nessa let go of Will's shoulder and looked at the blank space in front of them.

"Listen, I'm sorry" Will said, looking at her. "But you won't understand".

"Is this about another?" Nyssa said. Will didn't answer.

"Just go Ness" Will finally said.

"No" Nyssa said. "I know things between us ended ages ago, but I'm still you're friend Will...I still love you".

"Please, just go!" Will snapped. The tears in his eyes began to form again.

"No," Nyssa said.

"Just go! I don't love you anymore!" Will shouted, and he could see the dissapointed in Nyssa's face.

Nyssa got up and ran out of the cabin crying. Will wanted to punch himself in the face.

Great. He thought. Why couldn't she understand? I love Nico, it's always been him.

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