Welcome to Auradon

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Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay were all hanging out on the main streets of the isle when Cruella and Maleficent walked up to them with her henchmen.

Carlos: "Hey Mom..."

Mal: "Hi Mom..."

Maleficent: "Stealing Candy Mal? So Disappointed.."

Mal: "It was from a Baby!"

Maleficent: "Thats my nasty little girl!"

Maleficent grabs the lollypop and puts it under her armpit before handing it to one of her guards.

Maleficent: "Give it back to the dreadful creature."

Mal: "Mom!"

Maleficent: "Its the deeds Mal that make the difference of being Mean and Truly evil!"

Cruella: "Ah Yes. Anyways We have been looking for you. The Four of You are transferring to a new school, In Auradon!!"

Carlos: "Im Sorry WHAT?! I-I Excuse Me?!"

Mal: "You Really expect me to go to a school with prissy pink princesses and...."

Evie: "Handsome Princes?! Oh Ew.."

Jay: "Yeah and I don't do Uniforms.."

Carlos: "Mom! You really expect me to go to Auradon?! Did you forget your sending me to the kingdom where Anita and Roger Radcliffe live?"

Maleficent: "OH Please don't remind your Mother! It was hard for me to convience her to send you BECAUSE of them...Come Come!"

The Group Walked back to Maleficent's Castle.

Maleficent: "you will go, you will find Fairy Godmother's Wand..and you will bring me back her Magic Wand. Easy Peasy."

Mal: "Whats in it for us?"

Maleficent: "Its all about you and Me baby! Do you love watching innocent people suffer?"

Mal: "Well Yeah I mean who doesn't-"

Maleficent: "Well get me the wand! And with that wand and my septer I will be able to bend good and evil to my will!"

Evil Queen: "OUR Will?"

Maleficent: "Our Will, Our Will..And if you refuse Your Grounded for the rest of your life Missy.."

Mal: "BUT-"

Evil Queen: "Evie! Come over here!"

Evie walked over to her mother.

Evil Queen: "my little evil-ette in training, go find yourself a big castle and a mother in law wig!"

Jafar: "Jay, My Boy...Promise me something..."

Jay: "Yeah Dad?"

Jafar: "Make sure Aladdin and his bloated Genie suffer.."

Jay: "You mean I have to act NICE around them? Sorry Maleficent Im not going!"

Maleficent: "UGH!!!"

Evil Queen: "Evie's not going anywhere untill we get rid of her Unibrow."


Cruella: "God FORBID Carlos goes and meets the Radcliffes...they'd be all lovey and affectionate towards him."

Maleficent: "What is wrong with all of you? People used to coward at us just at the mention at our names!!! For Twenty Years WE, As in Me and Cruella, have searched a way off this isle For twenty Years we been trying to seek revenge! Revenge on Snow White and her mini men!"

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