The Talk

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The Group all hoped into the car. Jay got into the drivers seat and started driving away from the isle. Carlos not even noticing he left Mal's spellbook.

Audrey: "Carlos...Im really sorry.."

Carlos: " long as your safe."

Audrey: "At least Dizzy help me see that there are still a bunch of people who need our help."

Carlos: "Audrey, Dizzy captured you and Ben!"

Audrey: "She's angry, bitter and envy. She never experienced love before."

The Limo pulled up to Auradon Prep and everyone exited.

Jane: "I gotta go! Chad and I still have some work in terms of planning the coltination tonight."

Chad: "Yeah...gonna see you guys later."

Jane: "Wait Carlos...I have the stain glass window with You, Audrey, Mal and Ben...Isn't it beautiful?"

Carlos: "(sigh) yeah.."

Chad: "I think we should let him have some space."

Jane: "Yeah...your right. I guess I'll see you all later."

Jane, Chad, Lonnie and Doug all walked away.

Audrey: "Do you want to cancel?"

Carlos: "Im...not sure yet."

Audrey: " what you need to do."

Audrey kissed Carlos on the cheek and walked away with Ben. Carlos and Bolt looked at each other.

Bolt: "We need to talk."

Carlos: "Yep."

Evie: "No...You two are always going off with each other..keeping secrets from us. And me and Mal and Jay are tired of it."

Mal: "Who said I was?"

Jay: "Uh Evie?"

Evie: "Look I know you and Bolt are really close but don't forget we're your family too. We been through a lot, together. And No offence Bolt but you had a perfect life pretty much prior to meeting us."

Bolt: "I wouldn't say 'perfect' since you know I had that superdog phase and stuff that caused me more harm then good."

Evie: "Well still..Everyone sit."

Evie sat down on the grass and everyone else hesitantly did the same.

Evie: "Who wants to start?"

Carlos: "Okay...Well....Im a mess..Im such a mess! I mean, six months ago I was stealing candy from babies..and  now Im expect to be this man of the court and Unlike Mal who seemed to have everything under control, I have no idea how to keep up the act!"

Jay: "Then Don't....See this was dumb?"

Bolt: "Maybe it wasn't. Look, you'll all always gonna be the kids from the isle. Theres no avoiding that. Those are your roots and you all did what you have to do to surive. My life hasn't as perfect as people may think its been. You guys are never gonna be like anyone else here and thats okay! Embrace who you are, don't run away from who you are."

Mal: "I was able to get things actually working because I had Ben on my side. If Audrey doesn't love you for who you are, which she's adamant that she does and I believe she does love you, then maybe she's not the one."

Evie: "Yeah...give her a chance. Im gonna make some changes to your tux...and if your up for it-only if your up for it-I'll be waiting for you okay?"

Carlos: "Okay..."

Evie wrapped her arms around Carlos and hugged him.

Evie and Mal got up and walked away.

Jay: "Come to Coltination and if...Audrey isn't smart enough to love you and if you can't stand another minute here...I'll drive you back tomorrow myself..Okay?"

Carlos: "Okay..."

Once Upon a Dream (Rewrite)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora