Chapter 5

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I was starting to really hate my hair. I found out it made the morphing process slower and it looked really ugly if you didn't wash it. So I gave up. I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut it off. I gave myself a pixie cut so it was a compromise of short hair for a girl and a boys cut. With each strand I cut the more relief flooded out of me. Last night I had been so worried that the boy in the book PJs was suspicious of something but, it was for nothing. I let the cool water in the shower flatten my hair and I thought of my night. I had slept in the boy’s dormitory over night. That must have been very uncomfortable to know that your female commander was in your room watching over you in the middle of the night. When I woke up in the night I would prowl around the room, looking for non-sleepers. Pat one point I started to find less and less. At one point I found none. I finished my shower and turned off the tap. I slipped into my jumpsuit and headed back to the boy’s dormitory. As I walked I ploughed right into someone. We were both thrown to the ground. As I looked at the person who fell, I felt pleased to see Tom. Tom looked at me and his eyes widened. “Em, you cut your hair?! When did you cut it?! It looks really good! who did it for you?! Can I help you make the cut more straight later?!” said Tom excitedly. “I cut myself, just now. I said “And that would be great. Meet me a the intersection during our lunch break.”. I looked at my watch. “Oh. I ‘m late, I have to go. I’ll meet you at the intersection!” I said smiling at him. Tom was so kind. He always wanted to help out and he never disciplined his squadron too much. I had just made up the intersection. It was the hallway, when it splits in to two. I think Tom got the point though. I pushed open the doors of the dormitory. “Move it urchins!” I yelled “ Come now in what your wearing or I will drag you to training myself”. One of the boys standing near me scoffed. For scoffing at I gave him a nice punch to the face. He hit the floor, with only one punch. I was impressed at how low his endurance was. I walked over to the shower and changing area, not even bothering to avert my eyes and hank to boys who standing in their underwear, to the line. “Are we ready now?!” I yelled. They all saluted me. I walked them to the intersection of the trainee’s dorms and went to the girl’s side. Nothing ever happened on the girl’s side. I came in and they were all already dressed and ready, standing with perfect posture and a salut. They all followed me to the intersection. I led them to the arena and my squadron waited as the others slowly poured in. The head commander of the men and the head commander of the women stepped up and explained how it is going to work here. It works like a school. Your base commander is for my squadron, me, then you go around to different commanders who will teach different things you must know. I am the one on one combat teacher/commander. My squadron for the rotation goes to Tom for fitness and endurance. 

My first group came up to me like a bunch of sheep. They all moved in a big, slow blob. Despite the fact that I had been screaming my throat raw at all the boys in my squadron I started to yell at the new group of people. “Come on people! Hurry up! We are going to do some warm up fighting now!” I yelled. They all straitened up and followed me as I stormed down the twisted hallways to the training room. “You and you. Go up there and fight. I want a clean fight, no weapons, drago-morphing or dirty tricks.” I told a scrawny-looking boy and a a girl who looked like she was one of those “i’m too pretty and delicate to fight” type girls. They stepped in to the ring. The boy was really trying hard, the girl on the other hand was still acting all delicate. The boy suddenly punched her in the face, sending her to the ground. The girl’s nose started bleeding and she stayed frozen in shock. The boy didi the same, only it seemed that he was shocked that he had actually hit her. The girl sprang up in fury, with her nose dripping blood on the ground. She half drago-moph, so it was only her hands that were disfigured. She slashed at him with her claws, growling loudly. “Hey! Stop it! Right there is a cheater!” I screamed at the girl. I hoped over on to the ring and tore the girl off the boy. She landed hard on the ground and she yelped as she hit the ground. I helped the boy up and roughly dragged the girl to infirmary. I dropped them on the bed and made them the nurse’s problem. I walked back and dismissed my “class” for lunch. I walked to lunch and pretty much inhaled my food, so I could run to the intersection. I got there just in time. Tom just emerged from the men’s commander dormitory. “You got here just on time!” said Tom happily “Your haircut looks better when it’s dry! I couldn’t wait to help you!” continued Tom. He walked me to the men’s commander dormitory and told me to sit on his bed. He draped a towel around my shoulders and climbed on the other side of my head to start cutting. He started at the top of my head and tugged on a piece of hair and snipped it off. He trimmed my hair evenly and in a very tidy manner as well. “You totally look like Jennifer Lawerence! This haircut suits you! You could be in the hunger games!” Said Tom, now making random comments. I looked at my watch. “Oh no! Were late! We have to go!” I told Tom frantically. “That’s good. I just finished cutting your hair to!” said Tom happily. He gather the towel around my shoulder and dumped my hair in the trash. I thanked Tom and ran to the training room. I arrived to see my squadron waiting for me. I knew I didn’t have to worry about the girls and it was the boys who had issues. “I wanna see some REAL ripped people now! Come on get on that equipment!” I yelled. They all scurried to where they needed to be. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I grabbed the person’s wrist and twisted it around until I knew it was at a painful angle. I looked up to see one of the girls from my squadron. I dropped her arm. “Sorry soldier. I don’t want you to do that again. I could hurt you” I scolded. “I wanted to complement you on your new haircut. It suits you” stated the girl giving me a forced smile. She walked away, favouring her arm. I sighed and looked at my squadron’s work. I thought they were doing well, until I saw the boy with the book PJs. His pull ups were so sloppy I wanted to scream. I stormed towards him. “Hey get off that bar!” I yelled at him. I must have startled him, so he fell off the bar, hitting the ground hard. I nudged him aside with my foot. I put my hands evenly over my head and pulled myself up on to the bar. I sat there looking down at his shocked face. “When you do a pull up I want them to look like this. I want you to pull yourself on top of this bar like I just did.” I firmly told him. I dropped down right next to his head. He jumped up and saluted me. He placed his hands evenly over his head and hoisted himself upwards. You could see the strain in his face and his knuckles started to turn white. When I looked at him like this I realized that he was about my age. Not my fake age either, all these kids were about my age. He finally mustered up the strength to pull himself on top of the bar. “See that people?! That’s dedication right there!” I yelled, pleased with the boy’s work and dedication. He dropped down and pulled me aside. I was about to punch him but he dodged it before I hit his face. I realized he looked like he was going to die of embarrassment. “Look, commander Emily. I appreciate the fact that you are impressed, but when you are impressed with me please don’t do that.” he told me, looking around at the people pointed and whispering at us. I nodded and punched him in the face. “That’s for touching me.” I told him walking away. I dismissed the class and announced as they left “And people! You should know not to touch me by now. You’ve seen the consequences!” I yelled.

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