Chapter 6

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Once commander Emily left, commander Tomas looked lost. He looked down at me with sad eyes and said “Was it true? Did they really attack her?”. I looked into his sad eyes and nodded. “They ganged up on her and tried to attack her. The reason there are unconscious boys on the floor is because they are the on who attacked her and she only hurt them for self-defence.” I told him. “Oh no.” he mumbled under his breath. He looked down at me “You seem like a good trainee. Can you come with me to find her?” he asked pleadingly. I nodded and got my coat. We walked into the cool night air. It wasn't too cold or too hot, just cool. “Any idea where she might be?” asked commander Tomas. “Last night she mumbled something about a tree and a hide out.” I told him. “You went to the women’s commander dormitory during the night?!” yelled commander Tomas. “Wha- NO! I would never ever do that! Commander Emily slept in our room because whenever she left all the boys would yell and scream!” I told him with wide eyes. He nodded, looking a little grossed out that commander Emily had done that. He walked towards the tree in front of the school. It had roots bulging everywhere and a trunk so big I couldn't wrap my arms around it. Commander Tomas gripped the trunk and climbed up the tree. once he got to a stable place he held his hand out for me. I refused, just sprouted my wings and flew to where he sat. He called out for her and looked around the tree, but couldn't find her. We dropped down and the we searched the school. Once it was midnight we stopped and went to bed.

That was what happened last night. It seemed as if the same thing was happening again. Both commander Emily and commander Tomas ran outside, leaving their lunches. I slowly followed commander Tomas making sure he couldn't see me. I saw commander Emily slip in front of the tree and disappear. Commander Tomas approached slowly, so I did the same, hiding behind pillars. He walked to where she had been standing. Once his foot his the spot he slipped downwards and disappeared. I heard someone cry out just as commander Tomas slipped, he must have fallen on top of her. It was probably very awkward and you could almost hear commander Tomas blushing. There must have been a gap in the roots that led to a big hole underneath the tree. That was where she had been hiding. I crept towards the hole, making sure I didn't step in to a different hole. I overheard them talking. The super awkward over heard conversation went some thing like this.

Tomas: Oh, um sorry Em.

Emily: Get off.

Tomas: Oh *blushes* Okay. I’m getting off.

*shuffling noises*

Emily: Get out.

Tomas: Sure.-Wait what? 

Emily: Get out

Tomas: no.

Emily: Why are you here.

Tomas: I wanted to apologize. The book PJ kid told me that they did attack you and you weren't lying.

Emily: My problem is that you didn't take my word for it and believed some random kid instead of me.

Tomas: That is why i’m apologizing. I was just too shocked to believe you. That kind of stuff doesn't happen very often

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