Chapter 9

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I was lying in my bed, reading the prophecy Emma and I had discussed when Mr. Lance (the head of the school) came into our dormitory to talk to me. “Harry. We have grave news. We know that you are close friends with Commander Emily and Commander Tomas, so we thought you should be the first to know.” He told me. He gestured to the door. I got up and followed him out the door. “Commander Emily and Commander Tomas had to face an πτύων πάγου (Athean-Tago) on their own and they were both brutally injured. Commander Emily insisted that she was fine, but she isn’t.” He told me sincerely. “So what’s wrong with Commander Emily?” I asked, now intrigued by the topic. “She was grazed by the αθάνατη πάγο (Aferna-li-quien-tagio)!” He exclaimed. My mouth dropped open. “Are you sure?! Is she showing the symptoms yet?!” I shrieked. The αθάνατη πάγο or the immortal ice is ice that poisons you only from touching it. The ice is immortal (like it say in the name) and will grow to take over your body. Only the blood of an ice dragon who has willingly given their blood will melt the ice, leaving the victim with liquid poison in their blood. Once the blood/poison mix goes through their heart they will have poisoned their hearta and they will die. If they leave the Immortal ice inside them untouched then the ice will take over their body and freeze them in ice that is like metal. It will never break, or move from the place in which the person has been frozen. It will never melt or thaw or break, even naturally. It will remain like an invincible carving of a person. He looked down and solemnly nodded. My brain was going wild. I’m and earth dragon. That’s why my type of dragon imports lumber. Fun, right?! I get to pull log on and off a track in the future! Yay. I could not help Emma. I thought of Tom. I didn’t know what dragon type he was, but he was too weak anyways. Even if we did find someone, see would still die. The situation was hopeless. Mr. Lance must have seen the despair on my face. “Would you like to visit your friends? They have been asking for you. Especially Emma. She keeps saying something about a prophecy and needing to go.” he told me looking at me suspiciously. “Oh, okay. I will go now, then.” I told him awkwardly. I ran down the hall to the infirmary, leaving Mr. Lance behind. I knew exactly what she meant. She needed to go to fulfil the prophecy with me and the other chosen one. The other chosen one was the problem. The other chosen one could be anywhere in the world. I pushed the thought out of my head and opened the heavy doors of the infirmary. “Where are they?!” I frantically asked a nearby nurse. “They have been quarantined. After the attack we don’t know what germs they could have on them.” The nurse told me, pointing a knobby finger in the direction of the quarantined area. I ran to the quarantined and and found a thick slab of glass and a locked door preventing me from getting to them. I pounded on the glass and I saw Emma look up from unconscious Tom. She had a look of despair on her face, much like mine, but it disappeared as soon as she saw me. Her face lit up and she ran to the glass window. She started talking but I couldn’t understand her or hear her at all. I needed to communicate with her, so I had an amazing idea. I blew on the glass, creating condensation and I wrote the message for her. “I cannot hear you” I wrote to her. She smiled and nodded. “I was just so excited to see you!” she wrote. I laughed “We need a better way to communicate.” I scribbled on the window. She frowned and nodded. “I know! I will go talk to the nurse. I will get to you if I have to wear a spacesuit!” I excitedly wrote. She grinned and gave me a thumbs up. Behind the glass she seemed so close, yet so far. I ran to the nurse. “You need to let me in there! I will do what ever it takes to get in there!” I yelled at her. She looked shocked but she nodded. She ran off and came back, with a suit that looked like the suits from the 2319 guys in monsters Inc. I slipped it on and ran to the quarantine zone with the nurse on my tail. She put on her own suit and opened the door. I ran in and hugged Emma tightly. She was hurting me a bit, but I didn't care. The nurse let and I stripped off the suit. “Harry! You rebel! I could make you sick or something!” cried Emma, not able to keep the smile off her face. “TOM!” I thought. I ran ran over to him. “How are you doing big guy?” I asked. He smiled weakly. “I’m good, now get over here! Where’ve you been?!” he said weakly, but playfully. He put me in a head lock and noogied me. “Ow, Ow, Ow!” I said trying to break free of his somehow super strong grip. He finally let me go. “όπα! you are strong!” I told him. όπα (O-Pah) is greek for Whoa. I’ve been studying greek so the prophecies are easier to understand, because almost all of the prophecies from “The book of prophecies” were written in greek, or they were written in greek but the way you would spell everything in english letters. “You’re such a nerd. ‘όπα’?! Really?! We all study greek and speak a bit, but that’s just going over board, dude!” Exclaimed Tom. When he said this he tried to sound as energetic as he usually was, but he was too weak. His voice shook a bit as he spoke. Emma walked over to him and kissed him on the forehead. “Tom, just rest, okay?” she asked. He looked at her, smiled weakly and nodded. He closed his eyes and Emma came towards me. I tried to hide the overwhelming jealousy and guilt (from being jealous) from being visible on my face as she came to me. “Emma, we need to start our quest. We need to march over to Mr. Lance and tell him what we have to do.” I told her sternly. She nodded. Tom was asleep at this point. I handed her my 2319 suit “put this on and we can go talk to Mr. Lance. We can leave Tom here to rest.” I told her. She pulled it on and looked at me. “How do I look?” she asked striking a pose. “Stylish enough for you?” she laughed. I stuck a super sassy pose. “Girlfriend” I said “You are the BOMB! Come one, hot stuff! Strut you're stuff for me!”. I could barely hold in my laughter. Emma collapsed on the floor, laughing hysterically. I used my key to open the door and pulled Emma with me out of the quarantined zone. We snuck past the nurse and hurried along the twisted hallways, to Mr. Lance’s office. We opened the door and saw Mr. Lance sitting comfortably on his out of date desk chair. “Welcome. What urgent matter requires you two to coming into my office?” He asked calmly. Emma spoke up first. “We need to get out of this school.” she stated, making Mr. Lance’s eyebrows rise. “Why, may I ask do you need to leave so urgently?” He asked. My mouth seemed to work on it’s own. “There’s a really important prophecy about us that we need to fulfil before Emma dies!” I blurted out. Emma’s eyes widened. “I’m gonna die? Who told you that?! That is an absolute load of googleypuss!” She yelled. I couldn't keep myself from laughing. “Googleypuss?!” I laughed. She shot me an annoyed glare and turned back to Mr. Lance. “I’m afraid it’s true, Miss Emily. The αθάνατη πάγο grazed you and just to touch it is deadly. To have it in your blood, no one has known anyone who had been cut or had the ice in their blood. That is either because it has never happened, or everyone has died before we found out about it.” He told her. “I will let you two and a trusted friend go, if the prophecy is about you and you have proof.” He told us. “Listen to this.” I told him. “O ιερός ένα και εκλεκτός προσέξουμε, για το ένα που αναπνέει ο θάνατος και μασά ζωή περιμένει στη θέση του στο οποίο ο ιερός ένα κρατήσει πιο ακριβά και πιο φόβος στην καρδιά τους. Κάποιος θα πεθάνει, κάποιος θα προδώσει και το υπόλοιπο θα πρέπει να αφεθεί παραστρατημένος μια φορά αυτός που αναπνέει φωτιά ξανά. (O sacred one and chosen one beware, for the one who breathes death and masticates life awaits in the place the in which the sacred one hold most dearly and most feared in their heart. One will die, one will betray and the remaining will be left astray once he who breathes fire rises again.)” I told him. He didn't seem fazed. “I have heard that prophecy many times. What proof do you have that one of you is the sacred one or one of you is the chosen one?” He asked. Emma spoke up again. “The night before I was taken here, I had a dream. It was about a dragon, under a veil of butterflies. He told me to approach him. He too me to seek the one named Harry so I could right before he died.” she told him, glancing around nervously. “I told Harry about it and I told him about the dragon’s appearance and he said it was the δράκος βασιλιάς (the dragon king)” She told him. Mr. Lance’s eyes widened. He mumbled to himself. “That is not something even an outsider knows not to lie about. They couldn't be lying. If they really are the ones of the prophecy they must leave immediately or they will be a danger to the entire school.” He mumbled, obviously not wanting to us to hear, but he was failing badly. “You must go immediately with two others whom you trust from the school. Commanders would be more preferable on my behalf.” He suddenly exclaimed. “Okay! We want to take Commander Tomas, and who else, Commander Emily?” I said. “I think we should take Jo, Commander Jo.” She said sternly. I nodded. Mr. Lance announced on the old PA system, for Tom and Commander Jo to come. They burst in together. “Hello commanders. Please sit down and we will explain.” he said gesturing to the two other empty seats. Tom plopped down beside Emma and Commander Jo cautiously sat down beside me. “Emily and Harry happen to be part of the sacred prophecy, and they wish for you two commanders to accompany them on their quest, for you are the two in the school whom they trust the most.” said Mr. Lance, with no expression in his voice. Both Jo and Tom’s yes widened as he said this. Jo turned to Emma. “Out of all the people who you could have chosen who are so much more skill than I am, you chose me?!” she exclaimed, looking completely flattered. “Jo, your aiming and gun skill will be so useful and you have been so nice to me. You have been like a girlfriend more than all of the other commanders.” Emma told her. Jo smiled at her and Emma returned it happily. I looked down and started playing with my fingers, not exactly sure what I should do. “We must prepare you for your journey! Go get the things you will need and pack them into a backpack. Make sure you do not pack to heavily!” said Mr. Lance quickly, shooing us out. For the first time I notice how quiet Tom had been. He had a smug look on his face, he looked almost like he was plotting maliciously. I shook the thought out of my head and walked out with the others.

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