PDA pt.2

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Sam wouldn't mind it. It doesn't really matter to him. He would sometimes do it just to make Bucky uncomfortable, but then he'd stop when you give him a look.

Scott is very loving and affectionate. He loves kissing you and wrapping his arms around you. He wants you to know he loves you, so he's always showing you affection.

He'll do what he wants to be honest. He doesn't care who is looking or where you are. Especially if he's jealous! You're his, and he'll do what he wants.

She's very affectionate. She wants you to know that she loves you, and her way of doing that is physical touch. She's always holding your hand, and giving you kisses.

Yes. Just yes. Natasha honestly kinda loves PDA because she likes letting people know you're hers and only hers. She's also very protective which kinda feeds into her being affectionate.

A lot of PDA to be completely honest. She doesn't really care what other people think, so she'll totally just make out with you in front of people.

It doesn't matter to her. If you initiate something she'll totally go along with it. She's proud to call you hers, and she'll take her opportunity to show it off.

Not so much. Sometimes she just feels it's inappropriate, and want to do any of that in front of people. Except when she's jealous then she's all over you.

Darcy isn't too big on PDA. It's just not something she thinks about really. She'll give you quick kissing, and hold your hand. But everything further she prefers to do privately.

She gets kinda shy if it's in front of strangers. If it's in front of people you know like Darcy she's fine, but she's get a little embarrassed because of the stares.

I have a celeb apply fic you guys should go check out! you guys get to choose your own love interest too :)

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