Bucky Barnes

293 7 21

Requested by -GVLDENGIRL-
(sorry this took so long beb! i couldn't figure out where i wanted to start. i kinda added a bit of stuff to go more in depth with y/n's background i hope you don't mind!)


•Είμαι σίγουρος ότι μπορούμε να βρούμε κάτι για να με βοηθήσετε - i'm sure we can find something for you to help me with
•Al naibii de fierbinte - hot damn
•Te rog sa faci - please do
•Думаю, на полу было бы лучше - i think it would look better on the floor
•Хочешь помочь мне узнать? - wanna help me find out?

y/n leaned over the desk as she pushed the hard drive into the computer before clicking a few buttons to start downloading the files. She heard quiet footsteps behind, and noticed a figure appear behind her through the computer screen. She waited until they were right behind her before throwing her elbow back hitting the person square in the face. They let out a groan as they stumbled back. y/n turned around and buckled their knees before slamming their head onto the desk making them fall unconscious.

"Looks like you have everything handled in here." Bucky said walking into the room. "Guess you don't need my help."

"Είμαι σίγουρος ότι μπορούμε να βρούμε κάτι για να με βοηθήσετε." y/n said with a small smirk glancing over at him. Bucky titled his head in question, but y/n just smiled and turned back to the computer.


y/n and Bucky sat in the main room of the compound. Everyone else had gone to sleep already, but the two weren't tired. Instead, they decided to stay up and hangout together while drinking some of Tony's most expensive wine.

"How are feeling?" y/n asked. "Steve said you got hurt earlier on your mission."

"I'm fine. Just a little scratch." He answered lifting up his shirt a bit to show her the bruising and red scratch on his stomach.

"Al naibii de fierbinte." y/n mumbled her eyes running over his body.

"What was that?" Bucky questioned letting his shirt fall back down.

"Nothing." y/n smirked. Bucky rolled his eyes at her before grabbing the bottle of wine and taking a big gulp.


"You're getting a little slow, old man." y/n teased Bucky as she helped him take out two HYDRA soldiers.

"I had them." Bucky grumbled with an annoyed look.

"Yeah, it really looked like it when they had you pinned to the wall." y/n laughed.

"I'll pin you to the wall." Bucky snapped. He faced dropped when he realized what he had said making y/n chuckle.

"Te rog sa faci." y/n said with a flirty smile before poking his side as she walked passed him.


"You're being ridiculous." Natasha groaned to y/n. "I don't see why you can't just tell him. The worst thing that could happen is he says he doesn't feel the same way."

"I just can't, Nat." y/n shook her head.

"You flirt with him in literally every other language. What difference would it make if you said it in english?" Natasha questioned.

"I don't know." y/n shrugged. "I guess it gives me more confidence."

"You're so weird." Natasha rolled her eyes. y/n scoffed and shoved her. "Wow, real mature."

"Shut up." y/n glared at her making Natasha smirked back at her.

"Just consider telling him okay?" Natasha raised a brow. "In english." She said sternly.

"I just don't know how. I've never had the chance to have feelings like this before. It's weird." y/n admitted sounding a little grossed out. Natasha chuckled wrapping an arm over her shoulder.

"I know it is." Natasha said. "But I think that this might be good for you. We aren't being controlled anymore. We get to do what we want, and you clearly want to do Bucky."

"Shut up!" y/n groaned pushing away from Natasha. "You're so annoying."

"Hey, I don't blame you. Those super soldiers are something else. Let me tell you Steve-" Natasha smirked before getting cut off.

"Oh my god! Ew! You're disgusting." y/n exclaimed walking away while covering her ears.


Natasha and y/n sat at the bar during one of Tony's celebration parties for god knows what. y/n stood behind the bar making two drinks for Natasha and herself.

"Are you gonna talk to him tonight?" Natasha asked.

"Who?" y/n asked glancing up at the red head as she poured the drinks into two glasses.

"Who?" Natasha mocked. "Bucky, you idiot."

"I don't think so." y/n shook her head.

"Okay, I can't handle this anymore." Natasha rolled her eyes. She grabbed her drink before turning around. She looked around before her eyes landed on the super soldier. "Barnes!" She shouted making him turn away from his conversation with Steve and Sam. "Get over here!"

"Yes?" He questioned as he walked up to them.

"I need you to keep my girl company while I'm gone." Natasha stood up. "Do you mind? Great." She walked away looking over her shoulder giving y/n a smirk.

"Well, I guess I'm forced to keep you company now." Bucky groaned.

"Oh come on! I'm not that bad." y/n said with a playful pout.

"You're okay." Bucky teased.

"Oh thanks." y/n laughed taking a sip of her drink.

"Why is Natasha staring at us?" Bucky asked. y/n glanced over at the red head across the room to see staring at them not even trying to be subtle.

"New suit?" y/n asked changing the subject.

"Yeah, Tony actually bought it for me. He was complaining about me not having any nice clothes and how he didn't want me to embarrass him at his own party." Bucky shook his head. "Does it look good?"

"Думаю, на полу было бы лучше." y/n said. Bucky looked down and licked his lips before looking back up at her with a smug expression.

"Хочешь помочь мне узнать?" Bucky asked. y/n's eyes widened slightly, and if it wasn't for the alcohol in her system she would've completely faltered, but instead she only smirked.

"Your room or mine?" She asked.

And you know what happens after that 😏
jkjk unless...
if i wrote smut this chapter would be a lot better 💀

send in some requests!!

I hope you enjoyed this. Don't forget to comment and vote please! Thank you for reading 💜

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