M is for Magnificently Mangled

99 4 3

Kuroko pov

I hate this. I hate this. I hate this. When can I leave. My mind went on repeating the same sentence it always did during school. At least this time there was a substitute teacher and they were clueless. In other words they just handed us work and told us to get working. Instead of doing my work I was staring at the door waiting for school to end. The last class of the day was always the worst. Since it was a Friday I didn't have basketball practice which I was actually thankful for since my legs were killing me. 

The substitute soon told everyone to pack their things. I had already gathered my things wanting to get out of the school as fast as possible. The bell rang and I was off before anyone had even risen from their seat. To my delight the hallways hadn't fully been engulfed in Seirin high students so I was able to get to the exit quickly. The fresh air felt nice after a long day of sitting in the same seat with the same sweaty classmates. The wave of students followed suit after a few seconds. I took it as a sign that I needed to get out of here. The bad thing about my lack of presence was the whole,  getting my feet stepped on and being knocked around like a rag doll. 

After I put good distance between me and the school I slowed my pace heading back home where I dropped my school things at the door and went to change out of my uniform before beginning my homework. Twenty minutes into school work I heard the apartment door open and the familiar voice of my mother drift to my room.

"Tetsuya I'm home!" she yelled. I shout back at her announcing my presence. I hate yelling, it hurts my throat. 

Another fifteen minutes passed and my work was completed. I threw my hands in the air in a silent victory. I had once again conquered the dreaded homework. I rose from my desk and went to the kitchen getting glass of water and heading out to the balcony where I watched cars zoom passed each other. The sun had begun to set and it made the clouds a pretty shade of orange and pink. I stared at the clouds loosing my small tether that kept me from drifting into a daydream. 


I was pretty sure I stood there for at least an hour since I felt my legs giving up on supporting my weight the moment I took a step back inside. I was lucky my mother wasn't there to see the slip up. Regaining my balance I head back to my room and flopped on my bed. It was quiet in the apartment and somehow lonely. I was used to the silence and enjoyed it for the most of the time. Today I guess was one of the days I didn't enjoy it. Reaching over to my bedside table I grab my phone and check the time. 

7:45 pm

I still had time to leave the house without my mom getting freaked out. Despite the fact my legs were screeching curses at me I went to my moms office/room and told her that I was going to go for a walk and would be back later. I got shoes and just for the hell of it the sketch book I hadn't touched since my 6th grade birthday. It was completely blank unlike the others that lined my book case in my room. I grabbed two pencils for good measure and left the house ignoring my protesting legs. 

I guess I should've paid attention to my legs for they had brought me to some random building with quite the garden out front. Sighing at the odd location I walked around the area until I found a bench to sit at. I open to the first page of the sketch book and twirl my pencil between my fingers staring at the white page. Did I even remember how to draw properly? There was only one way to answer the question and it meant drawing something. If my memory served I used to draw a lot of people when I was learning the art of misdirection. I would draw the different expressions and behaviors that I saw people do. 

My hand started scratching at the paper with my eyes darting back and forth trying to remember where each line should go. I was so engrossed in the drawing of a random girl I lost consciousness of the world around me. Of course it all came back when the notebook was roughly dragged from my grasp causing my pencil to create quite the ugly line straight through the girls body. 

I look up to see two guys who looked as though they were 3rd years in high school or something. One of them was big and looked as though he was in charge of beating up weaklings for a living. He had tanned skin and dark beady eyes. His teeth looked in desperate need of a wash and the dark green hoodie he wore was the shade of over watered grass that had dirt dumped on it. he was wearing blue jeans that looked a few sizes to big since I wasn't able to make up what his shoes looked like. 

The other guy was extremely tall and lean with pale skin sort of like my own skin tone. His eyes were the same as the other dudes, dark, black and beady. He had dark brown hair that was so greasy you could have mistaken it for a pan after making fried fish. His outfit looked more as though he picked it out in the dark while dizzy. I mean, who wore a mud colored shirt with stains all over it with a pair of nice looking dark blue pants. His entire outfit clashed. 

"What do you want? Can I have my sketch book back?" I asked though it sounded more like a command from a teacher with no respect. The boys just laughed and through the book behind them somewhere. I stayed where I was sitting on the bench.

"Nah, not yet little boy. What the hell are you even doing out here this late at night?" the one with the clashing outfit asked in a cruel tone. The other joined in and smirked at me.

"Isn't your mommy worried for you?" he added showing off his gross teeth. 

"In fact, I believe my mother is worried for me. She hates it when I-" I was cut off when a voice cut through the air behind the three of us. 

"Kuroko mom worries a lot, but you'll be worrying a lot more if you don't leave him alone." I knew that voice from somewhere but I couldn't connect the voice and the person for some reason. The urge to turn around was replaced with fear when I felt the persons hand on my shoulders holding me in place.

"Who the hell are you?" the guy with the green hoodie snarled spitting at the two of us. I stayed completely still listening to the voice speak again.

"I'm the reason you'll be in the hospital in a few minutes." there was a silence that filled the air before the voice spoke once more.

"But I assume you wanted to know my name. I'm Akashi, Akashi Seijuro." At this I whip my head around and stare up in the dark to see the red hair. I could sort of make out the rest of his features but not very well. I guess Akashi's name was what scared off the two teens for when I turned back around they were gone. 

"Akashi-kun, what are you doing here?" I wonder standing up so I didn't feel so short with him standing over me. Granted he was still a bit taller than me but it made me feel better.

"I was walking home from my stupid part time job that my father told me I had to do." he grumbled in an annoyed tone. I laughed a little then remember my sketchbook. It was probably crumbled somewhere behind where the boys had been. Turning away from Akashi I walked over to the slightly ripped up sketch book. 

The light from the street lamps was enough for the two of us to walk back to my place without walking into things. We didn't speak much although Akashi did ask why the boys were picking on me. I had no logical answer for that and had shrugged at the question. 

"Wait, how did they even notice you? It's dark out and you barely have presence. I only noticed you because the boys were so loud." Akashi commented. I shrug once again. 

"Dunno. I guess they were looking to bully someone and their 'tiny weakly' instincts were heighted." I say jokingly. Neither of us laughed. Which made it that much more weird. 

When we made it back to my apartment Akashi walked me to the door. He got a good look at the sketch book which was still on the page with the girl.

"That's a magnificent drawing, too bad those boys ruined the book." Akashi commented I bring the sketch to my chest. 

"I wouldn't call it magnificent. Besides even if it were that good it's now magnificently mangled." I say opening the door and entering the house. A sudden wave of drowsiness washed over me as I took my shoes off and put slippers on heading to get ready for bed.  


Word Count: 1599

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