E is for Elaborate Embarrassment

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Kuroko pov

It had almost been a week since my encounter with the two boys and Akashi-kun. Today was Wednesday and basketball practice had just ended. The entire week I had been sort of scared to walk alone from the incident with the two boys. I tried to brush it off but I couldn't shake the feeling that they were watching me at all times and just waiting to pounce on me like I was their pry. No matter how ridiculous it sounded I couldn't shake the lingering fear, because of this situation I had somehow gotten Kagami to walk home with me every day. It felt stupid since he did most of the talking. 

"You ready to go Kuroko?" Kagami said shouldering his bag and looking in my direction. I had thrown a cozy light blue sweatshirt over my head and tried nodding my head which failed. 

"Yeah, I just need to get my shoes on." I say slipping the school shoes back on to lazy to put the shoes I used for basketball back on after changing. 

The two of us left heading to the fast food restaurant that Kagami was once again insisting on taking me to. I would just get the same vanilla shake and wait for him to finished eating. 

When we got to the restaurant I did exactly what I had pictured, ordered the same thing I always did. The two of us found a seat and I began slurping my vanilla shake. I soon began bored and shuffled through my school bag taking out the very messed up looking sketch book. I went to a new page and started to sketch one of the burgers that Kagami was munching on. 

Once I finished sketching one I began to sketch a whole pile of them. Apparently Kagami had only started to pay attention to what I was doing once I had completed 4 burgers. 

"Those are good." he started taking a big bite and chewing before continuing to speak.

"Do you draw often?" he asked me looking closer at the drawing. I shake my head and respond to my teammate.

"I used draw when I was younger." I say taking a slurp of the vanilla shake savoring the taste.

"Why don't you do it anymore?" he began to pester me with questions. I hated people who asked questions. Especially one after another like a row of them. It was just tiring.

"I dunno, I lost interest I guess." I spoke the truth taking another sip of my milkshake. We sat in silence. I watched as Kagami took disgustingly huge bites. At least he wasn't talking with his mouth full. 

"Draw something for me." my first reaction to his words was the answer that came the most naturally to me, saying 'no.' Instead I did the stupid thing and responded differently.

"What do you want me to draw?" I ask him. I took a huge sip while listening to his response.

"Draw me a love story." he said with a smirk. I think I gagged, no thats not how I'd explain what just happened. I choked on my poor vanilla shake and sprayed it all over the remaining burgers and a bit on Kagami himself. I started coughing a bit sputtering which apparently is one way to get attention for I felt the eyes of most of the costumers on me. When I regained the ability to breath I hissed back a response.

"You can't draw love stories, you write them!" I say sort of angry because of the wasted vanilla shake. His request had shaken me up a bit and it caused my tone to shift from casual to annoyed. Kagami didn't seem to notice.

"Well then, you'll be the first to draw one." he said taking the sad burgers with my choked on vanilla shake to the trash. Exasperated by my friends words I get up with him and just give him a quick goodbye. 

I walked home throwing my bag down and quickly doing homework. Something about the drawing request that Kagami had somehow made me want to attempt the challenge.

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