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Well hi! Thank you for clicking on this story.

When I finished Moments That Mattered, a song came to mind. I had heard it before, but in that moment, the lyrics spoke to me so much. It is called "Photograph" by Cody Fry.

And it is absolutely beautiful. 

I can't even explain to you how perfect it is for this story, so you'll just have to listen to it for yourself. I've linked it in here for you. Enjoy!

I think that the ending lyrics of the song relate the most to MTM:

"Let me stay right here
Just a moment longer
The picture is so clear
Please let this last forever"

It's funny because, even though the song wasn't the inspiration for this story, it sets the perfect mood for you before reading it.

MTM is mostly written in letter form, as you will soon see. Why is that? For one, I've always loved reading books with letters (also emails, texts, postcards, anything like that) and wanted to give it a try. Second, in my opinion, letters make a story so personal. It gives the reader access into the character's minds like nothing else can.

A great example of that is the novel, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Annie Barrows and Mary Ann Shaffer. It's incredible, highly recommend. And the entire novel is written in letter form. *chef's kiss*

Anyways, enough rambling from me. I hope that you love this story as much as I love it. I enjoyed creating it.

Side note—I give some teasers for romance between two characters near the end (but I won't spoil it, so don't ask!), leaving it open for a second book to tell their story, so let me know if you want that to happen!

And again, thank you a hundred times over for giving this a chance! <3

~ c a i d y n

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