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9 p.m.


I saw you today.

It's been a year, did you know that?

Your voice. No amount of time could cause me to forget that sound.

"No, thank you. I should be leaving."

You were feet away from me. I didn't need to look to know that.

But I looked anyway.

And your eyes were already on me. I wasn't surprised. You were always the one to seek me out first.

What you were doing at my place of work, I have no idea.

I saw you today.

But it wasn't you. Not really.

Oh, so many walls you've built. All of them to block out me.

I know that I hurt you.

And I'm sorry.

I wanted to say everything and nothing. I wanted to run to you and stay where I was. I wanted to tell you that I still care and that I don't.

Thoughts, emotions, guilts, joys—a war in my own mind.

I could see it in yours, too.

I saw you today.

And I suddenly remembered it all.

Brushes of fingers. Smiles across the hallways. Knees touching under tables. That laugh you gave me when I managed to tell a decent joke.

Your laugh, if only I could hear it again. Just once.

Maybe then, I would feel whole.

I saw you today.

And now I dream.

I dream of all the moments that mattered.


Moments That MatteredWhere stories live. Discover now