Chapter 22 - A Meeting

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So I'm thinking of making a Q&A with Team 7 in the next chapter. Actually, you can drop questions for other characters like Gaara or Hiruzen, but ye, it's a Q&A for the characters in this AU.

Drop your questions here!

And ask as many as you want cuz I won't be making that chapter if there weren't enough questions-

if u want to stay anonymous but still have ur question in the next chapter, pm me.


Enjoy this chapter!


"Aww please???"

"*sigh* I said no."

"Come onnn, just one more time!'



"Not after that time."


Naruto was happily skipping down the streets towards Ichiraku ramen, Kakashi following behind him.


They turned around to see a chunin running over.

"Yes, what is it?" Kakashi asked.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" the chunin asked.

Kakashi glanced at Naruto before nodding, turning to the chunin.

"So Hokage sama has......"

Naruto pouted.


Just then, a small note flew past him.

Curious, he picked it up.

It read:

|| Dear Naru-chan, Meet me behind your house tonight. WINK WINK DONT LET KAKASHI KNOW

Naruto grinned.

He eyed Kakashi from the corner of his eye before burning the paper to crisps with a tiny fire jutsu.

"Naruto! How many times do I have to tell you not to play with fire outside?" Kakashi sighed.

"I'm bored!' Naruto pouted. "I WANT RAMEN!"

The chunin sweatdropped.


Thats all for this chap!

Who do you think it is!? >:0



It was a beautiful night outside.

Crickets are chirping, Kakashi was sleeping.....

On nights like these....

Naruto should not be sneaking to the house's backyard.

And so there little Naruto stood, waiting.




1 hour had passed.

Though it seemed like one minute to him.

All of a sudden, he was lifted off the ground, travelling through the forests at a high speed.

Is he being kidnapped?

Whatever, he wanted to sleep.

He left out a soft yawn before his head dropped down and he drifted to sleep, drooling.

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