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Sage's POV

We sneak into my house which I've memorized how to do so it's no issue.

We hear Brendon playing records and we walk into his room.

"Hey Sage and...." He says but doesn't know Eamon personally.

"Brendon this is Eamon. Eamon this is Brendon" I introduce the two.

"You're in the band my siblings put together right?" Brendon asks Eamon.

"Yes I'm the lead guitarist" Eamon says as he looks around the room.

"Also it was Connors idea so he could get a girlfriend" I corrected my brother.

"Well Sage I could ask you why you technically have snuck a boy in the house at hm 1am" Brendon says looking dead at me.

"Brendon it's not like that" I say annoyed. I have to hide that I like Eamon.

"Connor took off with Raphina" Eamon let's Brendon know that.

"So I was getting my stuff to sleep over at Eamons house" I say walking out the door of his room.

Eamons POV

"Explain kid" Brendon says to me once Sage walks out to get her stuff I guess.

"Connor left with Raphina not saying what they are doing and I asked Sage if she wanted to sleepover at mine." I explain to the guy in front of me who I am slightly scared off

"Listen I'm just being hard on you. Truthfully I know Sage can take care of herself. Plus you look like you couldn't hurt a fly" Brendon let's me in.

"Sage is pretty smart" I say thinking about her.

"You like her?" Brendon asks. I don't answer knowing I do.

"You do. It's okay you have my approval to date her if she likes you back" He says while changing the record.

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