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Last night with Eamon was something else. We just hanged out all night watching movies and talking.

The two of us are rarely one on one and it felt good.

At the end of the night we ended up cuddling. I don't know how I guess we both just crashed.

I woke up first. I was still in Eamon's arms. Gosh he's precious.

He didn't have his glasses on. I haven't seen him without them before. But I'm not complaining. He looks so soft and peaceful when he's sleeping. Not a worry in the world.

Eamon slowly starts to wake up and I act like I'm sleeping just to see what he does.

"She's perfect. I love you Sage" he says in a low whisper. I smile an blush because I came help it.

"You're awake aren't you" Eamon says to me. I open my eyes "Yeah I am"

"You heard what I said" he says panic arising. "Eamon I love you too" I say smiling calming his nerves.

"You do?" He asks. "Yes I do. From the moment I met you I knew there was something about you. When filming the video for The Riddle Of The Model it hit me. I love you" I finally get to tell him.

Eamon then kisses me and I kiss back

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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