˗ˋ 03

990 27 4

Bold - interview clips.

Italics - thoughts


I hesitantly got up, not wanting to let go of the new people I had met. I smiled at many and walked over to Taki. He hugged me and I let my head rest on his shoulder. I patted his back and took his hand. Geonu seemed to be having a harder time being the only one from his unit to enter.

I let go of Taki's hand and stood next to him in the elevator. I softly patted his back "It's okay, this is only the beginning" He nodded and turned to hug me, I was slightly startled but continued rubbing his back.

The egg-shaped elevator turned and I slowly let go of Geonu. As the egg stopped a large room was revealed. It came to a stop and I took careful steps out.

A room that was covered by transparent glass was further away. A set of virtual banners rolled down. White chairs were placed in an oval. The floor was grey and brown marble. "Those are nameplates" Jungwon pointed at a white table-looking thing with everyone's names on it. 


"This is unreal" 


Many people said. My mouth was open and my eyes wide. Geonu still hadn't let go of my hand. He was holding it and just walking behind me. "There are only twelve seats here" I turned around and counted them. 

But there were 17 of us. "I don't think we should sit yet" Jay announced. "A place where the most advanced idol stars are born. This is I-Land" Everyone started clapping and wowing so I cautiously let go of Geonu's hand and clapped.

The egg turned again and was now sealed. The egg started to glow brightly and the screen on either side of it played a 3D video. The egg changed its color to one consisting of orange stars.

I video played which showed I-Land's blueprints in 3D. There were languages under it. Korean, English, and Japanese. "For all of you who are dreaming of debuting I-Land will provide everything. Group practice room, Personal practice room, Recording studio, fitness center. Facilities all necessary for an idol trainee's needs. Accommodations equipped with a kitchen and bedrooms, Item room.

"Item room?" the oldest exclaimed

 "a medical room, and much more. All these are customized for only 13 people, which is the capacity for I-Land. So only 13 people can enjoy everything in I-Land."

"What are we going to do?" Sunoo asked lacing at the floor. 

"Starting right now, in order to match the capacity of I-Land. We will execute the next stage" another test? is what I thought. 

Everyone seemed to think the same as they cupped their faces in frustration.

"If you are not one of the 13 people, you will be released into the Ground, the space for dropouts" ground? 


"What is the ground?"

"What are we going to do now?" 

"This is crazy"

"You will conduct a voting to decide the 4 members to be eliminated" My eyes widen as I looked around. 


"This is unbelievable" 

The common room was filled with sighs of denial. "The voting will proceed in 2 hours" the voice announced. "No!" 

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