//Chapter 7//

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Dream kept looking at his phone. He got up walked around, and typed out about 20 different responses before he settled on an equally bold one.

"I mean, you're pretty cute too."

He sent it. Geez, he thought. Hopefully, it would be taken well.


George heard his phone buzz and immediately shot up to get it. It was from Dream

He read it and his heart fluttered.

Did Dream feel the same way? He thought maybe so.

They both sat on their bed, Miles away, smiling at the same text.


The next morning

George wakes up the next morning to a text from Wilbur.

"Hey, dude! Good morning, so just wondering, has that guy from the bar texted you? I just need to know if I need to beat anyone up yet. Cause no one can hurt George.

George laughed and texted him back,

"Yeah, we have texted a bit, but I don't think you're going to have to beat him up."

"Well, that's good. Just wanted to check up on you, he replied."

"Hey, Wilbur, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure man, shoot."

"So, how do you tell if someone likes you?"

Wilbur knew instantly who he was talking about.

"Well, that's a complicated question." He replied. "Maybe if they are being extra nice, or compliment you? I'm not really sure how to explain it, George, Sorry. But I'm always here if you need someone to talk to."

"Thanks, Wilbur."

"No problem man. Talk to you later."

After that George turned off his phone and got ready for the day.


The rest of Dream and Georges's weekends were pretty uneventful. They talked, a lot. They talked about football, life, and the occasional flirt which they both enjoyed. Over those two days, they grew closer and closer.

But eventually, Monday came and school started again, but they were both excited to go back to school because tryout results are being posted today.

Dream texted Sapnap and George separately and asked,

"So are you guys excited for the results today?"

They both replied that they were super excited.

Dreams parents left early for work, like every day, so Sapnap picked him up for school in his truck.

Dream and Sapnap both hated taking the bus so they both rode to and from school together in Sapnaps car.

Dream had just finished getting ready as Sapnap honked his horn.

As soon as he stepped into the car Sapnap started talking to him.

"Dude! Are you excited for the results? I really hope we are both getting in."

"Of course we are dude, there's nothing to worry about." He replied

But deep down he worried. What if George didn't make it? He just pushed the thought out of his head and continued to talk to Sapnap on the way to school.

The school was boring as hell, like always. Dream was just trying to make it to the end of the day where he could go see the flyer where the results are posted. But alas the day dragged on.

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