//Chapter 8//

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Dream was taken aback.

"W-what?" He said.

"What is going on Dream? He said Straight-faced. "You were acting really weird in there."

"Sapnap," Dream said, his voice breaking.

"What, Dream!" Sapnap snapped.

"I like George." He blurted out.

Dream realized what just happened and braced for the worst.

Sapnap's face relaxed and he said, "You like him?"

Dream looked over at him and said, "Yeah, Sapnap I do."

Sapnap started the car and replied, "Ok, cool." as he started to drive out of the parking lot.

"Wait, really?" Dream said shocked.

"Yeah man, as long as your happy, I'm happy."

Dream smiled, "Thanks, man." He replied.

"Yup. Anytime."


Dream had just gotten home and laid down on his bed, relieved at how that situation played out. Sapnap was really a great friend, He thought. But he knew not everyone was going to be the same.


A couple of hours later he got a text from George.

"Hey Dream, I just wanted to say sorry for what happened today, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything."

He just looked at the text. Then smiled, sure he was a little surprised by his hug at first, but he thought it was pretty cute. But he felt bad because he knew George was stressing over it way too much. Then he replied,

"George, I promise I'm not upset! I thought it was cute."

He sent it. He had become more and more comfortable around George, he felt like he could be this way with him, without him caring. A few seconds later he got a reply.

"Oh shut up" George replied jokingly.

Dream just laughed and texted,

"So are you excited for our first practice tomorrow?

"For sure! How about you?"

"Yep, mainly because I get to see you <3"

"Oh my god Dream" George replied blushing.

"Well, see you tomorrow babe, talk to you later." Dream said half-jokingly, but he could almost feel George's eye roll through the screen.

Nonetheless, George still loved it.


The next day at practice:

Everyone was lined up in multiple different lines by name so Dream couldn't stand next to Sapnap or George. Which pissed him off but he tried his hardest to pay attention.

The coach walked from line to line shouting at everyone.

"My name is Jschlatt, but all of you must refer to me as coach or coach Schlatt. Got it? And you all here because you are going to work hard. Correct?"

There was an echo of "Yes coach" across the lines of boys.

"That's good because we are going to start with some hard drills."

Practice was hard, but fun. Throughout the two hours that they were there, Dream and George were looking over at each other and messing around a little too much for Coach's liking. He moved Dream from line to line trying to get him to stop, which made George laugh even more. Eventually, He threatened Dream with kicking him off the team which shut him up.


After practice when everyone started to leave, he told Sapnap to not leave because he had to talk to George, Sapnap nudged him with a smirk, and Dream just rolled his eyes and walked away from him.

George was getting ready to leave when Dream walked up to him. He was about to do something really bold and he was nervous. He and George always jokingly flirted, but did George actually like him back? Well, he was about to find out.

"Hey, George! How's it going?" Dream said as he leaned against the wall next to George.

"Fine I guess, those exercises were pretty hard though." He said as he took a chug of water

"Yeah, but you looked hot doing them." Dream said smirking.

All of a sudden George's eyes got big and he started choking on his water, which just sent Dream into a fit of laughter.

"Ugh, Bye Dream" George said as he started to walk away.

"Wait, George," Dream blurted out as he grabbed his arm.

"George turned around. "Yeah?"

Dream's heart was racing in his chest and he couldn't bring himself to look George in his eyes.

His voice dropped so no one else could hear him. "So, um, I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go out on a date with me tomorrow night?" Dream said, his face red.

"Oh," George replied, "I um,"

"You don't have to say yes." Dream exclaimed, "I was just wondering-"

"I would love to, Dream."

"Oh!" Dream wasn't exactly expecting that, but he was glad George didn't say no. "Well can I pick you up at six tonight?"

"Sure Dream, I'll see you tonight."

Dream was smiling as he started walking away and said, "Ok, bye George!"

George was watching Dream walk away, and when he got far enough away, he saw him sprinting toward Sapnap, yelling something to him. After Dream finished talking, Sapnap started celebrating with him, and he could only guess what it was about. George just smiled and finished packing up his stuff, after he was ready to leave, he called Wilbur and Tommy.

"Guys, you'll never guess what just happened."

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