An Old Man With Wrinkly Fingers

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I stared at the man dressed in a bathrobe standing at my front door. I leaned a little bit closer to inspect the bits of glitter falling off of it... well at least I hope it was glitter. His wrinkly hands fidgeted with a plastic wand with a star glued on top. I leaned back.

Must be another drug addict... again

We seemed to get a lot of those at our door.

"Miss Emma! You are in grave dan-"

SLAM! The sound echoed through my house. I guess I should've felt bad for the broke man on my doorstep but I didn't. Not to be rude or anything but I just wasn't in the mood, for three reasons.

One: My dad was playing video games, which means repeated gunshots and a heck of a lot of cursing. It's not fun to listen to when I'm trying to be emo and cursing the world in my basement.

Two: My crush friend-zoned me, I mean the literal "I love you like a friend" kind of friend-zoning. And not gonna lie, it stung a whole lot. I'm pretty sure I cried and ate bread for about a week.

Three: My name wasn't Emma, dummy. Emma was the popular girl who lives across the street. (aka the girl who is currently dating my crush) So that just rubbed salt into the wound.

Other than that I was doing absolutely peachy.

"AKRIM! WHO WAS THAT?" a deep voice yelled over the gunshots.



I rolled my eyes.

"NOTHING DAD!" Clickety-clack went the buttons on his controller.


"I SAID- never mind." I have not the patience for this today.

You've probably noticed my weird name. Well, let me spell out the whole thing, Akrim Non Dolores. I don't care how you pronounce it, I honestly don't know how to pronounce it. It's just some weird name my mother came up with when she gave birth. I mean it also probably helps that she was depressed at the time; So she wanted me to be a reminder of her being sad and lonely. Akrim Non backward is Non Mirka, which means not wonderful in Latin. Whoopie for me! I got the most horrible name in the universe.

Now steering away from that direction let's go back to you know the whole situation with the strange old man at my door. So he was still knocking, which was horribly annoying. So I got $5 outta my wallet and forced it into his hand.

"There! Will you leave me alone now?" I pleaded. "I want to get back to my crummy life."

"But Emma, did you not hear me? You are in grave danger!" He looked over the $5 bill in his hand. "Also don't your parents give you an allowance? At least give a poor man more money."

I inwardly groaned.

"Mister Wizard Man, listen up. One I am not Emma, her house is over there." I pointed across the street. "Two who do you think I am? Some rich billionaire? I'm a regular middle-class teenager, you need to do your research."

Some of the glitter chunks came off of his robe as he hung his head and walked across the street.

"All of that for nothing," he mumbled as he pocketed the $5. I rolled my eyes, just another day in the life of Akrim Non Dolores. I cringed. That sounded absolutely awful, pretend I never said that.

Sup my dudes, if you wouldn't mind clicking that star button and voting for my chapter!

Also question: What did you think about my story?

Anyways have a wonderful day and I'll see you next chapter~

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