Anything? Anything at All?

21 3 4

When I woke up the next day I did not expect to see Emma Smith shining brightly on my door. I growled subconsciously. Her gold jewelry almost blinded me, I turned around as my eyes searched for recovery. It was a wonder why she was living in a crappy neighborhood like this.

She smiled brightly at me as she held out her manicured hand out to me. I didn't take it. She awkwardly placed her hand back at her side.

"What do you want?" I spit in irritation.

"Just wanted to ask you a question." Her smile was unfazed. I hated how her plastic-like teeth did that.

Rolling my eyes I motioned for her to continue.

     "Well it seems as though I need a companion to help me along with the quest, and well I could only think of my very best friend..." She shuffled around trying to recollect her memory.

     "Akrim, that's my name."

     "Right! I knew that!"

"Suuuuuure," I drawled unconvinced.

     "Anyways I could only think of my bestie A- Ak-"

Man I really need to legally change my name.

      "Just call me Big A."

      "Big A?" She winced.

"Yes, can you get on with it please? " I spat. What was she even here for? As I recall, I've never spoken to her once. I've just seen her prance around with her "boy-toys". She must really be in a deep dark pit to come see someone like me.

"Fine since you're not taking any of my acting crap I'm just gonna get straight to the point," she stated, dropping the smile and putting a hand on her hip.

"I don't like you and you don't like me. Right?"

That was pretty self-explanatory.

"This wizard is offering a BUNCH of cash for just going on some adventure to find his missing car keys. The only catch is that I need a sidekick of some sorts, so if I die then I'll have a backup main-character. And there is NO way I'll allow Vanessa, Sarah or Amanda to be richer than me.

"So I'm thinking I'll do some charity and letting you be my sidekick. Want in or out?"

I cocked my head to the side. Thinking about it I do really need that money, since I'm basically broke. But I needed more out of this...A LOT more.

"No." I smirked smugly. Her eyes narrowed as she looked me up and down.

"Are you seriously refusing my offer? I am literally giving you the best opportunity in your ENTIRE life and you're gonna say no?!" Smoke literally curled out of her ears as he face grew red.

   "Yeah, honestly I need to keep up my grades if I wanna live successfully. Plus I just started my part-time job so I can't miss shifts. Oh well guess you'll have to find someone else."

   As I turned away she called out desperately, "Please! I beg you, I'll do anything! Anything at all! Just please help me!"

   "Anything, anything at all?"

Heyyy there, sorry for the long wait. But Sidekick is back in business baby! I'll try to update faster lol

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