- Chapter Three -

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When I woke up, I noticed a dark form, as if someone was sitting on the floor.
This startled me, making me sit up in the bed in a rush.

And I was right. That was Chris, sitting next to the closed door.
I could see a small grin on his face as he was staring at me.

-"don't worry, it's just me. You seemed to be exhausted, you didn't even wake up when I opened the door." He said with a chuckle.
-"for how long have you been watching me?" I spat.
I was scared by waking up to my kidnapper staring at me.
-"oh I haven't been here for long, only a few minutes." He pulled something out of his pocket. That was his phone, he glanced at it:
-"it's been exactly 3 minutes since I got here."

I glanced at the phone in his hands.
That was a good thing to know he was coming here with his phone.
-"yeah ok but why were you watching me sleep? Why are you even here? I thought you would be in troubles if you stayed here for too long."
-"oh it's ok, there's only you and me for the rest of the day."

That was another good thing to know. Only the both of us.
-"is that common for you to be left alone with your victims?"
-"that's something I won't tell you."
His voice sounded playful. I felt a wave of rage rising up, making me grind my teeth.
I muttered through my breath:
-"so you're having fun... What a piece of shit.."

He obviously heard it, slamming his foot on the floor, making me flinch.
I instantly regretted my words.
-"I-I'm s-sorry... I d-didn't meant t-to say that..."
-"listen up Emilia. I'm not especially enjoying what I'm doing but do you think it is a choice I have?! So watch your mouth. I won't hurt you but if you don't fucking behave, I'll just tell my boss the troublemaker that you are, and he will be the one in person taking care of you!"

I nodded frantically at his words, my sight becoming blurry as my eyes filled with tears, once more.

He stood up from the ground, stepping closer with something in his hand.
I was able to notice it seemed to be a cup of Iced Americano that he disposed on the nightstand along with a book.
He then stepped back as he spoke again:
-"here, drink this. And as promised, I brought you the book we talked about earlier."
-"t-thank you.."
I bent over to grab the cup of Iced Americano, taking a sip.

The beverage was how I expected it to be, classic.
But despite its classic taste, it was able to bring me back to the life I had a few days ago, making tears drop down my cheeks in an uncontrollable way.

I could feel Chris still staring at me. I heard him say:
-"I'm sorry."

His voice sounded sincere, and honestly, I didn't quite understand why.

-"if you're sorry, then why are you keeping me there?"
He sighed.
-"you already know the answer."
-"no, I don't know! Why don't you let me out of here?" I cried.
-"because I can't! That's my job to keep you in here!"
-"then why are you sorry?! You don't make any sense!"

I lied down on the bed, my back facing him, my endless sobbing and sniffling echoing in the room.

I heard him get up from the floor and heard his footsteps. I guessed he was about to leave, which I didn't really mind.
Seducing him was going to be such a hard task for me, I've never been good at playing people but in this case, it was even harder.
I really had troubles controlling myself, it was so hard to keep calm when he was acting that way.

-"I'll come back later with your dinner."

I didn't reply to this, but I was sure he heard me hold back a muffled sob.
He waited a few seconds and then I heard the heavy door getting opened, his footsteps, and the door again.

I was alone again.
I turned around on the bed to bury my face in the pillow.

Damn. I had to learn how to control myself if I wanted to get out of here.
I really had to do my best to seduce him, but how to start?
How to seduce someone who ruined your life? And I wasn't even sure that would be working. But I knew I had to find a way of getting closer to him.

An idea came, maybe I could start by asking him for a hug? He said he's sorry for doing that.. So when he would be back to bring me my dinner I could just cry a little more, which will be easy since the tears come without even asking. Then I could tell him I need a hug and ask him nicely if he's ok with that.
Just thinking about hugging him made me shiver, this thought disgusted me but it was not like I had a thousand choices, so I would be doing it at dinner, the sooner I would get close to him and the better it would be.

I turned on the bed so I was now lying on my side. I glanced at the clock, it was 5:42PM. I still had a few hours to wait until dinner time. I grabbed the book he brought me earlier and started reading.


The usual noises from the door getting opened were heard, revealing Chris, holding the usual tray full of food.
He put it on the nightstand and stepped back. I glanced at him with my glossy eyes, I knew it was time for me to start what I had planned.

-"thank you..." My voice was weak.

He didn't say anything, just nodding his head quickly as to say 'you're welcome'.

That was now or never! I knew I had to put out my best acting now.
I asked with an almost shy voice:

-"I-I know this will seem weird... But... Can I get a h-hug?"

I noticed his eyes widening.
-"w-what? A hug? From me? You know I can't do that! Why would you want such a thing from me anyway?"
-"please... I just want a hug, that's nothing... You all took me from my life to cage me here so the least you can do is agree to my request..."
-"are you planning on stabbing me or so? I only have the keys to unlock the door so no matter what you do, this will just be useless and you'll just get more troubles."
-"what? I just want a hug, that's all I want, I told you..."

He sighed. He seemed hesitant.
I knew that was risky but I had to be quick. I opened my arms in his direction, showing him my hands so he could see I wasn't holding anything.
He stared at me for a few moments, nibbling on his bottom lip. Finally, he stepped toward me.
I got up on my feet, wrapping my arms around his waist when he was close enough.
I couldn't help but ask myself 'what the hell am I doing?'.

I felt his arms around me as well, one of his hands on the back of my head, holding me against his chest.
I felt like throwing up. This whole thing was literally making me sick, everything was insane, nothing made sense anymore.

I felt his fingers softly massaging my scalp, which made me close my eyes, blinking my tears away.
I grasped on his shirt, letting go of all my sorrows. He wasn't saying anything, he just held me against him, swaying us slightly, until I calm myself down.

Eventually, he pulled away and stepped back.

-"are you feeling a little better?"

No, you bastard. Let me get the hell out of here.

-"y-yes... T-thank you Chris.."
I managed to fake a really slight smile, hoping he would believe me.

He nodded. I also noticed him flashing a small smile. I couldn't tell if he was playing my game or if he was stupid or desperate enough to believe he was helping me to feel better.

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