- Chapter Six -

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This morning, I woke up before Chris arrived, due to a nightmare.
Well, in fact, I wondered if the nightmare wasn't better than waking up to this life, but I shook this thought away.
It was not the right moment to think about all this, it was discouraging.

It was my fourth day here.

Four days and I felt like it's been years since I was in here.

I glanced at the clock, it was almost 9 in the morning. I was wondering when Chris would bring me breakfast, when I heard footsteps getting closer to my room.

Here he was.

The door opened as he walked in.
He greeted me with a small smile, today too.
-"good morning, I hope you slept well." He said as he put my breakfast on the nightstand and handed me a new pair of fresh clothes.

I didn't want to tell him about my nightmare, so I just replied:
-"I slept decently. What about you?"
-"I slept well, but not enough."
-"oh... Why don't you try to sleep earlier?"
He chuckled.
-"I try. But I just can't. I just end up turning around in my bed for hours, thinking about so many things, and..." He stopped talking, as if he realized he was making a mistake.
He then said:
-"anyway, I don't know why I'm telling you all this. I- uh I have to go."

I smiled at him, nodding my head.
-"I hope we can continue this conversation later then."

He nodded as well. I noticed his expression changing, as if he just remembered something.
He put something out of his pocket, stepping closer to hand it to me.
-"here is one book that made my heart flutter." He said with a crooked smile.

I took the book from his hands.
-"oh you didn't forget! Thank you!"
-"no problem. I really have to go now, see you tonight."
-"see you. Take care until tonight."

He nodded at my words and left the room.

Once he was gone, I grabbed the tray and started eating.

I couldn't help but wonder if that was going to work.
I knew he didn't trust me, which was kinda normal, but I still hoped he'd be stupid enough to fall in my trap.


I was reading when Chris came back.
I was surprised to see him so early, as it was only 4PM.

He entered the room, closing the door behind him.
He smiled softly at me.

-"so, what's your opinion on this book so far?"
-"oh. It's really great, but actually I'm a little surprised."
-"why is that?"
-"well.. It's a love story, I didn't think you'd be the kind of person to read love stories."

He chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck as he replied:
-"That's why you should never judge a book by its cover."

I nodded.
-"you're absolutely right. By the way.. Can we talk a bit before you leave again?"
He checked his watch, nodding his head.
-"yeah, I have some time."

He sat down on the floor, near the door, his back against the wall.

I leaned back against the wall on the bed, closing the book as I asked:
-"so.. How's your day so far? Did you get some time to rest?"
He chuckled:
-"actually, I didn't really have much time to rest. I had some stuffs to do outside."
-"how's the weather today?"
-"it's a sunny and hot day of summer, there's a small breeze that makes it more bearable though.." He almost whispered the last words.

I nodded.
-"Ah, about this morning, as you said you had troubles falling asleep most of the time, have you tried meditation?"

He threw a surprised glance at me.
-"yeah, I had been suffering from insomnia a while ago, and as weird as it sounds, I swear meditation helped me a lot!"
-"but how do I do that?"

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