2) New Plans

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Ava whipped her head around to see a girl in a white shirt and red skirt, adorned with a red bow on her shirt collar, with simple white boots. Her hair was blonde and a speaker was attached to her back, which was playing a song, which was mostly in Korean.

Kate's eyes widened as she began to sprint away, leaving the girl, Sophie, Ava and Maddie. The girl slowly approached Sophie, but failed in her attempt as Ava put an arm around her and began to run, the song still playing faintly.

Out of nowhere, the girl had wielded a knife, with a 6 inch blade. She too, began to sprint. "WHERE DID KATE ASK US TO GO?" Sophie's words became loud and panicked.

"TO THE LEFT!" Ava shouted back and the pair both continued to sprint away from the girl, who had the words "Kim Lip" floating ominously above her head.
Kim Lip was nearing, but was able to go dangerously close as Ava had to decide.


Sophie looked back to see Kim Lip was right behind her. Her face was a previously taken photo of her up to the shoulders of her, hair still blonde, in a green shirt.

"ARE YOU S-" Ava was in need of reassurance, as Sophie had began to shake.

"STAIRCASE NOW RUN SHE'S LITERALLY BEHIND US!" At that moment, Sophie freed herself and took off up the stairs and Ava followed closely behind.

KimLip was still close, but her song was inaudible by now - that's progress.
The hallways they were running through were slim, and openings to other rooms were plentiful, same with staircases of different widths.

Ava's instinct was the right staircase, but Sophie still ran forward into some sort of electrical mains room. However, Ava stuck with her instinct and darted around the corner and ran up the stairs. At the top of the staircase to an open vent, where Kate was sitting idly, hands in head. "Kate I'm here!" Ava exclaimed, climbing down the metal ladder and onto the ground.

"Whatever you do, don't look out of the glass." She wailed. Still feeling rebellious, Ava looked just below the window, to see a bloody knife poking through the wall. Alerted, her eyes guided themselves up and out of the glass, to see another girl. Judging by the lettering above her head, her name was "Hyunjin" and she wore a yellow and black plaid cardigan above a simple white dress. Her face was a night sky, with a brown-haired figure placed in the first third of the face. One of it's hands was positioned in an 'ok' sign and was placed over its eye. The figure wore an open denim jacket and a white T-Shirt with black lettering. Ava could just make out the word "Blue."

After getting over the initial shock, Ava cleared her throat. "Kate, she can't get in. Like you said, we're safe. We can't even hear the music very well."

Kate glanced wearily up to Ava and sighed. "Why would LOONA want to kill us anyway? Who even are they?"

Ava shrugged, and Hyunjin's music completely faded out, as she walked over to someone, the arm her knife was in completely outstretched. Thankfully, she became distracted. Relieved, the both of you sighed.

"Where's Sophie, by the way?" Kate asked, raising an eyebrow.

Ava gulped before replying, avoiding any type of eye contact. "She turned away when we were being chased by KimLip."

Kate sank back down onto the floor and sighed. "Oh." She sucked her lip in, and her eyes skidded away from Ava, deep in thought.

Suddenly, music began to play and Kate's beady, brown eyes lit up.
"Escape!" Above Ava, a girl with a white shirt and black braces began to make her way down the ladder. Her hair was brown and short, slightly tousled and her skirt was a mix of red and pink, accompanied by black plaid. Her face was white, with a smiling figure in the background. Wearing red lipstick, a floral dress and a necklace. Her hand gently surrounded her cheek and touched her reddish hair.

Kate clutched the weapon in her hands, whilst Ava tried to shove "Yves" off of the ladder, guilty of leaving Kate behind. As she chambered up the ladder, the knife Yves was holding caught her leg as she kicked her stomach, making her fall to the ground.

"Kate!" Ava called over the oddly soothing music. Ava was a little too late.
Yves and Kate were in full combat.
Yves' knife had been knocked off, and now they were wresting with the weapon, the colour of the crown-shaped tip changing rapidly. From hot pink to grey, it could change to about 12 different colours. Yves wore white knee-high socks and black shoes which were done up by a velcro, which was a thin strap over the middle of her feet.

Kate had seized the weapon, and had knocked Yves over, but she soon sprang up as soon as Kate tried to escape. She grabbed her leg and pulled her back to the ground, and slammed the knife right beside Kate, catching the sleeve of her hoodie. She missed her arm by under an inch. Kate gasped, but adrenaline had won her over, she wielded the weapon frantically, until she had adequate time to escape, delayed by shaking and sweaty palms, of course.

Nevertheless, Yves was busy collecting herself on the ground below, clutching her left side. Ava grabbed Kate's hand to support her back down the stairs.
"We need to go! We can worry about Sophie later!" Kate panted.

Ava assertively nodded, and they both began to sprint back outside of the opening which was parallel to what looked like a storage room.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2021 ⏰

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