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(Y/N)'s pov;

The wall which was facing my back suddenly exploded, it was so hard that it mad me fall down on Kobe. The only thing I was focused on was the loud bag, piercing my ears. 

I turned my head and saw Kai running our way while a furious Vallyk and King pulled out their guns, looking behind me.

I looked down at Kobe who was under me, his jaws clenched as if he was some animal warning his prey to not mess with him. 

And me, completely dumbfounded, my eyesight getting blurry. Just in a second, I heard Kobe screaming something to me and before I knew it, I was being dragged away by an unknown man.

His grip then loosened, but not for too long as he began to choke me harshly, suffocating me. My body naturally began moving up and down to release myself from his grip.

Then I remembered that I had my pocket knife hidden in my pocket. But darkness is silently reaching me, I know I'm gonna pass out soon from the lack of oxygen, but I finally got a hold on my weapon.

I engaged all my strength and then stabbed it in the man's arm, he let go of my neck as I fell to the ground, the sounds of shooting could be heard. 

But I got off the ground, pulling the knife out of his arm. We then made eye contact, and his eyes showed fear at the sudden outturn. 

He held his arm and then ran away somewhere, leaving me in the middle of a gun war... and some fights. My head then turned as I heard a dull sound of a shriek. Kobe.

I saw him and the others behind the Jeep and I tried my best to reach out to them. I gained back my strength and then walked to them slowly, getting away from the shooting zone. 

Some of the guys were unconscious and the others were terribly injured. Kobe's dull groans caught my attention, I looked at him and saw him clutching his upper chest. The blood pouring from his wound nonstop.

My eyes then landed on his waistband, spotting a gun fixed in place. Maybe I could take those men out by myself.. who knows..?

I looked at the other- they're all half dead, awaiting their journey to hell. I grabbed Kobe's gun and looked at the men from behind the car. 

W-where are they? And who exactly are they? 

Kai; "(Y-Y/N)."

I looked at him, his blood leaking from his temple and arm, he's already dead but continues to speak.

Kai; "My phone.. in my back pocket... call for him.. i-it's him."
-he groaned, almost loosing his balance.

I scrunched my nose in pure confusion- I grabbed his phone as he pressed his thumb on the screen to unlock it and doesn't say anything. I looked at him and saw that he was knocked out, but still alive. Thank you, God.

I shook my head and quickly went through his contacts, seeing the rest of the boys' names and some are unknown. How am I supposed to know who to call?!

??; "(chuckles darkly) Hm, what do we have?"

I widened my eyes when I heard someone's voice coming from the very corner of the parking lot. A man's voice. Still enough time to shoot that bitch..

I put the phone away and then leaned my shoulder to the front of the car's door. My stare falls to the area, searching for my prey to shoot the someone instantly shoots my way. I yelped quietly and bent down, dodging the bullet.

I aimed the gun to whoever, but there was no one in my way. Maybe he's hiding. 

??; "You won't escape from me, kitten."

I looked to the side where I heard his voice, but he's like a ghost so I ain't seen him. I could only hear him. I just know that he's somewhere in here, hiding.

Whoever he is, I know that he's not alone, and I can't just jump and randomly shoot. I need to be careful, cautious, yet I have no time or much strength. I'll loose either way.

??; "Hey, (Y/N)~"

Another male's voice, but very soft yet excited, in a demonic way, and almost... lusty? I panicked. I'm very scared right now, more than usual. I don't know WHAT is going to happen to us.

I looked back up through the Jeep's back window and saw two men heading my way, smiling psychotically. I didn't hesitate and pulled the trigger at the right one's head... but the bullet didn't go anywhere..

I panicked even more.

I started to shake Kai's unconscious body, I groaned and then searched around his body for his gun. N-nothing, he's unarmed. Shit!

I looked at King, his eyes closed and his head tilting down. My hands searched his body for his gun- unarmed! 

Last one, Vallyk, his body was next to King's as his head rested on King's shoulder. I continued roaming my hands until I finally touched a metal and heavy. A gun! As I reached into his pocket, I felt someone's presence behind me.

I need to stand up since I was hopelessly sitting on the ground. I need to get on my feet or else he's going to hit me and I'll pass out. 

I crawled away to the side and tried to stand up, but fell back down when someone kicked me in my side. I groaned and opened back my eyes, my vision fully blurry and I felt dizzy.

Someone then crouched down and traced his fingers up my upper right thigh, although my vision is blurry, I managed to see the smirk on his face.

??; "Look at you~ You were so scared back then, but as time passed, you grew strong and fierce. And oh, holding a gun in your hand, pulling the trigger with your small fingers.

I whimpered in pain..

??; "Hm, I would love to continue this with you, but I don't have much time."

I then felt another person grab my wrists, pulling out a syringe and harshly pushed it into my hip. I screamed in pain, my muscles clenching due to the soreness in my hip. 

The previous man then came near my neck and then bit it soon kisses it.

??; "Sweet dreams, my kitten~"

The last thing that came out of my mouth:- "K-kobe..."

Try Me, Kobe Morris ff  [Season Two of Kidnapper]Where stories live. Discover now