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Behind him again, I'm always behind Keith now I know what your thinking ''Of course a beta is going to be behind an alpha it's the laws of nature''  but why is that the laws of nature? I sighed as I turned left and began my quick stride to my locker to grab what was essential for my next class.

"What's up dork," Pidge said walking up to the side of my locker.

"You literally a genius in anything technical yet I'm the dork?" I said putting up my books from the class before.


Pidges chuckled as I rolled my eyes and began to pull out my Geometry book.

"Hey I saw the test scores for your class still behind Keith I see"

I sighed at the mention of his name, I slammed my locker shut and looked Pidge in the eyes.

"Look just hearing his name pisses me off so don't even say it"

Pidge chuckled as we began to walk towards our next class.

"Hey, where's Hunk?" I asked noticing our giant Alpha friend wasn't with us.

"He went ahead of us," Pidge said shrugging her shoulders.

When we about to make it to our classroom we noticed what seem to be a heated argument down the hallway between Lotor and Keith two of the school's most popular and beloved Alpha's. Now being the beta's me and Pidge were we didn't notice the alpha hormones in the air the only reason we knew was because of the way our friends Allura, and Romelle were shaking beside a classroom door. We walked over towards Allura and Romelle and gripped their shoulders.

"How bad are the hormones?" I asked Allura who was now sweating.

Allura struggled to breathe let alone speak. I sighed and grabbed Allura's arm as Pidge grabbed Romelle's. Me and Pidge began to walk in the direction of Keith and Lotor this only making Romelle and Allura even more scared. Pidge and I made contact before deciding to quite literally run past Lotor and Keith while dragging Allura and Romelle behind us, when we ran past them I think I may have bumped Keith this resulting in the arguing stopping and almost anyone in the same vicinity as our sprint look at us in confusion.

When we were far enough from Lotor and Keith Allura and Romelle seemed to be calmer. They began to thank us for saving them but all we really did was run past Keith and Lotor. I scratched the back of my head and smiled.

"No problem"

"Lance, Pidge we owe you guys a big one how about we buy you an extra dessert today at lunch"

I was about to protest the idea but Pidge covered my mouth before nodding her head quickly.

"That would be great guys!"

Allura and Romelle smiled as they began to walk away from Pidge and me. When they were far away I licked Pidge's hand earning a yelp and a disgusted look on her face as she quickly pulled her hand away from my mouth.

"That's fucking gross dude" She wiped her hand on my shirt.

"Well instead of swindling them out of some food you should have let it go" I said as we began walking up to the classroom and opening the door.

"Pidge! Lance!" 

When we looked into the classroom we saw Hunk waving us down like we were the new students he met this morning and he was making friends with us. We walked over to the desks next to Hunk and sat down.

"You guys were almost late what happened?"

"K and L were arguing in the halls scaring the shit out of Allura and Romelle with their hormones-" Hunk held his hand up stopping me from talking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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