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Title: Seven
Genre: Pipabeth AU
Song: Seven by Taylor Swift
Word Count: 16985

Author's Note: You guys when I originally put this in here it was 16,777 words... coincidence ??? Also I'm technically posting this on July 7 (hbd Leo)... Anyways I hope you enjoy this I literally started writing it last august almost a YEAR AGO idk why everything has been taking me so long lately but I hope you find this as cute as I did :)


Annabeth sighed, trying to read the words sprawled across her laptop screen, but they were lost on her. In all fairness, it was 10:00 p.m., which meant she had been up and at 'em for fourteen hours. She loved her job, but that didn't mean it was always fun and easy. It was the fifth time she tried to wrap her head around the email from her executives, and once again, a futile attempt.

She rubbed her hands over her eyes, lifting the frames of her glasses away from her face. She removed her hands when she heard a knock on the open door to her study.

"Hey, crazy," Percy said, standing in the doorway, a small smile on his face. That was the usual nickname he had for her when she got sucked into her work. "You wanna call it a night?"

Annabeth sighed once more, knowing she had reached her limit. Removing her glasses, she closed them and placed them on her desk. "I guess I should."

"You're getting some special requests, anyways," Percy continued. "The kids want a bedtime story. Well, really just Charlie and Evan. Silena says she's 'too old' for bedtime stories."

Smiling and shaking her head, Annabeth closed her laptop and stood from her desk. She walked out of her office with Percy by her side. "I'm not surprised. All fourteen-year-olds think they can take on the world," she joked. Thinking that their baby girl was already fourteen was honestly a scary thought for them both. Soon enough, it would be romance, and going out, and partying. Not to mention the fact that it seemed the older they got the less clothes they wanted to wear. Annabeth wasn't eager for her daughter to grow up so fast, although she knew Silena was.

Of course, they still had Charlie and Evan. Charlie was a tough, rough-and-tumble nine-year-old, and he had proven to be by getting into some fights at school. Out of all their kids, that little hell-raiser was really going to turn her hair grey. But they loved him nonetheless—there was never a dull moment in the Jackson residence.

Now Evan, on the other hand, was completely the opposite of his brother. He was a sweet, kind, and gentle little boy who had an infatuation with nature. She had a feeling that was because he was only five and untainted by the cruel world, but Percy and Annabeth would do everything they could to make sure he grew up with those same wonderful qualities.

Walking into the bedroom which Charlie and Evan shared, they found Silena sitting on Charlie's bed, hitting her brother as he swatted back.

"Hey!" Annabeth said, getting both of their attention. "It's bedtime, enough." Her voice was quiet compared to a yell, but still stern and powerful. Both siblings stopped fighting at that. Sure, Percy could be scary, but they all knew that Annabeth was the real enforcer.

Evan looked up at both his parents with his adorable little sleepy face. "Mommy, I want a story," he said.

"Really? Daddy usually tells better stories than I do," she said, chuckling a little and looking at Percy.

He simply shrugged, "He wants you."

"Yeah, that is weird," Silena said, suddenly a part of the conversation. Charlie was alert as well, seemingly having halted his bickering. "Dad is funnier than mom," she said. "And has more of a life."

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