EIGHTEEN | Pancakes For Dinner

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Title: Pancakes for Dinner
Genre: Percabeth AU
Song: Pancakes for Dinner by Lizzy McAlpine
Word Count: 2692

Author's Note: hi! I know it's been a hella long time since I've updated anything but I'm really sorry !! I've been stuck in a rut and it really sucks :( but I think I'm slowly starting to get over this writers block. While you guys wait for the breathe update (which is on its way I promise !!) you can read this oneshot lol. I hope you guys like this even though it's kinda short oops lol


Annabeth took a deep breath, turning another page of her book. The flight from Berkeley, California to New York City was always a long trip. Luckily, she had brought plenty of things to keep her occupied. She was nearly four hours into the almost six hour flight, and time had gone by a little slowly.

Her head swirled with the thoughts of home; seeing her parents and little brothers again, reconnecting with Leo, and of course, Percy. That was a rather big and sensitive subject for her. Moving across the country from her family and best friend was probably the hardest thing she had ever had to do. But Annabeth liked a challenge. It wasn't easy in any regard upon arrival, but with a few more months, she had found her footing and was finally easing into her new college life.

Now, as a sophomore, she had found her friends and was excited by everything she was working on. But that didn't mean she still didn't miss her home and family. She was glad to be able to see them. A break was going to be nice; school was fun, but it was still school.

"Attention passengers," a voice crackled through the speakers. "We are going to be hitting some light turbulence. Nothing to be too concerned about but everyone needs to fasten their seatbelts at this time."

Annabeth wasn't necessarily afraid of flying; Percy was scared enough of it for the both of them (she always teased him about it). But hearing that announcement put her on edge. Now she was nervous. And of course, that mixed with overthinking never ends well. Her thoughts spiraled.

What if I die on this plane?
What if I never see my family again?
What if we crash in the ocean?
What if I'm the only survivor and I have to fend for myself?
What if there's sharks?
What if we land on an island?
What if we end up living out Lord of the Flies?

Annabeth shook her head and pulled herself together. Shark attacks are largely uncommon and even less uncommon to end fatally. If they crashed in the ocean, everyone would most likely be provided with life rafts and help would be on the way, via a distress signal. If they landed on an island—Annabeth looked around the plane—it most likely wouldn't result in Lord of the Flies because one) they might not be there long enough and two) they're not a group of thirteen-year-old boys. But the chance of death was suddenly significantly higher, in any circumstance.

She looked around to assess the other passengers' reactions, noticing some people on the verge of tears, others completely calm, and then of course there was the running to the bathroom with a green face and those making calls.

That was probably a good idea. Annabeth figured she should call her dad and leave a message at least. Even if the call wouldn't go through.

She turned on her phone and clicked on his name. The phone rang with no answer, so she waited for the beep.

"Hey dad, it's Annabeth. I'm on my way home and we just hit a little bit of turbulence," she started, trying to keep her voice as even as possible. "I'm sure that everything is gonna be fine, so I don't want you to worry. I just want to tell you that I love you. Tell Helen and the boys too, and give them a hug for me. Okay... bye dad, love you." She left the message and took a deep breath, the cabin beginning to shake a bit more vigorously. Her stomach was suddenly in her throat as she felt the weather intensify.
She looked at the other contacts in her phone and decided to call Leo next.

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