SIX | The Party (Part I)

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Title: The Party
Genre: Percabeth AU
Word Count: 4897

Author's Note: okay so this isn't a full on smut just yet because I wanted to see how you guys would react to this you know test the waters. But yeah so let me know what you think and maybe I'll post some more who knows. Also ik the title is bad maybe I'll change it idk but bear with me lol :)


WARNING: some sexual scenes may offend readers—you have been warned.


ANNABETH GLANCED AROUND, examining the crowd as she sipped her drink. Fancy parties like this one never really were her scene.

Of course, they just so happened to be right up her best friend's alley. Silena mingled with different groups of guests as she passed them by. In her flowy gown and with how gracefully she moved, it looked like she floated across the floor rather then walked. Just watching her was incredible; she truly was a sight to see. If Annabeth were the jealous type, they could never be friends, but here they were, ten years later, still standing strong.

To be quite honest, these sort of parties fit Silena. After she created her own cosmetic line, literally building a business from the ground up, she became a huge influencer, getting invited to galas and other fancy events. Annabeth had been Silena's date to a few of them, and despite her own stubbornness, she always had a good time. It was hard to be miserable when you were sitting at the same table as Jennifer Lawrence. She had been to more of those special events before she was 25 than most people—people just as average as her—would be to in a lifetime. She was grateful, but it still wasn't her cup of tea.

"So," Silena's voice, smooth as silk, cut through Annabeth's thoughts. "Having fun?"An easy smile played on her velvet red lips.

"I'll let you answer that," Annabeth said, sipping again from her glass. It was only water—Annabeth usually didn't like to drink. There was something about waking up confused and hungover the next morning that didn't appeal to her. Still, the glass in her hand was more of a nervous habit—her ADHD made it impossible to sit still, and drinking water was better than playing with her own fingers.

"Well from the look on your face and the glass in your hand, I assume your night could be better, but it could be worse." Silena had this incredible ability to read people. With a single look she could figure out your entire psyche.

Annabeth had been told that she had that glance; like her steely grey eyes bore right into your soul, defiling your thoughts. To be entirely honest, Annabeth was probably better at figuring people out than her best friend. She had been doing it a long time.

"I say you hit the nail right on the head," Annabeth said, smirking at her best friend.

"Well, I appreciate you being here to support me anyways," Silena cooed, leaning into Annabeth until she reached over the dark-haired girl's shoulders and pulled her into a hug. One thing stood above the rest; support. Annabeth had always and would always support her friends and family.

"I mean, where else would I be on a special night like this?" Annabeth asked rhetorically. This party was being held to celebrate the release of a new eyeshadow palette. Annabeth had been one of the first people to try it out, although she prefers going makeup-free. She had to say, once you try Silena's makeup, you'll never want to wear another brand again.

"Thank you." They pulled away. Just then, another group of guests was being ushered into the house. "I should go say hello." Annabeth just nodded, and with that, Silena was off, floating back through her house.

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