Introduction of the characters

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First we got the classic quest one:
-Boris (he's twelve so don't you dare request a lemon 🔞)
-Chris (a cat and mostly accepted with boys)
-Veres (she's a fox and mostly accepted with other females)
-Zara (he's a rabbit in case you don't know and he accepts anything)

We also got the strippers one:
-Boris (in this one he's 18 so you can request lemon)

You can also request your own oc in those one-shots, cuz I'm not good at y/n thingy.
Also you can't request someone else oc in an one-shot. It has to be yours ❌.
You can aslo request the characters to be vampires, mermaids, witches, werewolves, etc. Depends on the plot you want.

Have fun! ✨

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