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“ Doctor, please save my child. He has become very suicidal and fears to stay alone in the house. His mental condition is deteriorating day by day.” All these lines were spoken by a tall, middle aged, fair and stout man in a single breath who entered my chamber. I tried to calm him and told, “ What happened sir? From the words you just spoke, I can assume that your child is not well. Please let me know what’s the matter. He continued , “ Doctor, my son , Rajat Samanta is losing sanity. He speaks in a gibberish way in sleep. By the expressions he shows during sleep, it is evident that he was scared. He tried to commit suicide more than twice within 2 weeks.” Well I generally don’t stop my patients or their family members while they are sharing their issues with me but I stopped him and asked, “ Mr Samanta, how old is your son Rajat?” He replied , “ It’s 19.” Then I asked him, “ Well are there any reasons of urges for ending life?”  He replied, “ No sir. He is good in studies, used to spend time with us and his friends. And he is a mature guy. I really can’t understand what happened to him.” And then he started crying. I tried to console him and told , “ Bring your son here next time. If possible then tomorrow.”
I am Ranjan Ghosh, MD in Psychiatry. I started practicing in a private chamber from last year. I got married after 2 months of my MD. My wife , Sanjana is also a doctor but she Is MD in Pediatric.As usual when I reached home, Sanjana was there. She arrives before me from her chamber. “ So what was in the menu today Mr Psycho?” My lady love asked me. I replied while opening my shoes , “ Nothing special except the last patient. A boy of 19 or so. He is probably suffering from Schizophrenia and  bipolar disorder.” Sanjana confusedly asked, “ What do you mean probably?” I replied, “ Because he was telling his problems as if it was true. Moreover the boy was healthy.” Sanjana asked curiously , “ What exactly happened?” I replied, “ Wait Ms Marple, let me get fresh first then I will tell you everything.” Then I kissed her on the right cheek. She blushed and ran inside.
Mr Samanta couldn’t wait for tomorrow and brought his son today only. Rajat was a tall, fair boy with a stout built like his father. I asked him to sit and asked his parents to wait in the room adjacent to my room so that they can observe us but they won’t be able to hear. I started my session. “ Hello Rajat. It’s been a pleasure meeting you.” I extended my arm to shake hands and he shook hands. I then asked , “ I heard a lot about you from your dad. He told me that you are very brave and mature. That’s why I want you to tell me why do you feel like ending your life and why you a brave boy like you fear living in your own house?” He replied in a cold voice , “ I fear to live my life now and I don’t want to live with this constant fear.” I asked curiously, “ What is scaring a brave boy like you?” At this point, he broke down in tears and told me a story which makes very little sense. One day while talking with his friends, one of his friends told him about a website named haunt.com. This website claims to have cursed contents in it. Out of curiosity he opened the website and from that day, he was unable to sleep well. The imagery of the websites were of ghosts which were claimed as true. There are also some articles in the site which are basically guides to contact evil spirits. He performed one of them and he summoned something which was never been unable to walk on earth as a live human. According to Rajat, he summoned the spirit of a aborted or miscarried foetus . I asked him what was subject of the article to which he kept quiet and after a I pressed him a little he replied , “ A tantric ritual where a pregnant woman is forcefully aborted and killed. Her aborted foetus was taken out and was mixed with some ingredients like vermilion , ashes of dead and alcohol and then it was offered to someone invisible and then it was thrown in fire. After a while a shadow came out of fire and as a jump scare, it  came towards the camera and I switched the PC off. From that night I feel a malevolent presence around me .” I could see the presence of fear in his eyes. I told him, “ Don’t worry, I will be in touch with you. Just follow my instructions.” The boy started crying and continued , “ Sir, the entity whispers me that it will kill me itself or will force me to suicide.” I told him not to worry and called his parents and asked him to wait out side. I told his parents, “ Your son is saw a video, probably from a horror film which scared him. The description he gave was very disturbing and can affect any healthy person. I will like you to observe him for 1 more week. Currently for better sleep, I will prescribe in Benzodiazepine. Please keep him away from internet and to be more specific, from horror or disturbing contents.”
After dinner I told all these to Sanjana. She replied, “ Well I am feeling sorry for the guy. I don’t understand why do these young adults are so immature or curious. They often try to watch things which can land them in trouble.” I replied, “ Well I used to see horror videos too but luckily never got affected. Although I was a fearful rat in my early teen.” Sanjana hugged me and told , “ That’s why I love you so much , my Psycho.”
“ What? When and how?” I answered the call and was forced to ask these. It was from Mr Samanta. Rajat died yesterday night. Apparently he committed suicide. The vial of BZD was empty. I disconnected the call intentionally. I decided that I will go deep into the matter. That’s when I decided to give a call to Ayan Banerjee and Amit Banerjee, ACPs in the  Cyber cell of Kolkata police and good friends of mine. After I told them the whole matter, they became very tensed and interested. Amit told, “ So according to your analysis, your patient was affected deeply by that website. Well it’s strange that we still don’t have any intel about this page.” Ayan asked, “ Have you looked for the page yourself?”I replied, “ Yes, in a cyber café. It is really horrific. Well I do promote violent and horror contents. But this is page is promoting strange rituals. Moreover all the contents are updated on the daily basis. I just want you two to check and find the location.” Amit replied, “ Even if we find him, it will be difficult for us to make a case against him. But surely we will arrest him.”
That night I was having strange nightmare of a blood bathed woman asking for food. She told me , “ You have summoned me, brought me back to this world of living where I used to live once. Now I need food. I want to eat .” In the nightmare I asked her , “ How did I summoned you?” She replied, “ The website contains the articles which are cursed. If anyone interacts with any of the articles, he will have to give something to the spirit associated with it or will die a brutal death. Give me a dead body or you will die.”
Next morning, Amit called me and told , “ We got the location of the guy. Sourav Sikdar. Unemployed middle aged man. We two are going to arrest him today.” I replied, “ I will also go.” He was probably surprised and in a loud voice told me, “ Don’t talk like a child. This is police business , I can’t let you come with us. Moreover you are not even trained.” I replied, “ Oh hello, I am trained in muay thai and krav maga and shooting. I even own a licensed revolver. Moreover the victim was my patient, so I should go.”  He reluctantly agreed and told me that they will pick me up at 10 o clock. I prepared myself. Loaded my gun and told Sanjana about the  mission. She was reluctant herself at first but later agreed.
By 12 o clock, we reached the house. It was a dilapidated house. I mocked , “ Perfect shelter for a paranormal obsessed guy. The door was open and we entered silently. The house contained 2 floors. In the ground floor we found objects used in black magic like a skull, dead birds and a pentagram on floor. “ How can someone live here?” Ayan asked. Well I won’t lie but I felt that we were being watched by someone since we entered the house. While we were about to reach the stairs, a man screamed in a loud and scared voice and then we could here sounds of running. We saw that a man who was looking like an insane was running towards us , holding a knife, uttering the same words in the exact same voice I heard yesterday in my sleep , “ Feed me.” I didn’t think for a second and drew my pistol out of the shoulder holster and before he could reach any of us, I shot him in the legs. Amit disarmed him and Ayan went to the first floor to look for evidence against this guy. He could only find a destroyed laptop, burnt books and more things of black arts. In the meant time, I examined the guy and found that this guy won’t live as the bullet had hit his femoral artery. If not treated , this guy will die within half an hour.
The guy didn’t survived . Although I was not questioned much as I had no strong motive to kill him. Following that day, Amit called me, “ Bro, you won’t believe but Sikdar's  dead body looks like it was eaten by someone.” I told , “ Even dead bodies are not safe in this country.” I heard a whisper in my ears , “ You will live and I will grant you your wish. This website will be destroyed. So that no one ever dies untimely death for entertainment and gains of others.”
It was really destroyed. Ayan told me that night that the website was successfully hacked and destroyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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