Chapter 1 - Tenya Iida

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 Edit: A story i wrote a year and a half ago :o I hope this is entertaining still 

Small warning: Mentions of blood

   Ever since Midoriya, Todoroki, and I fought villain 'Stain' together, I have had a lot of respect for them, I mean, more than I already had. But, for some reason, Todoroki made me feel comfortable, happy, and just sort of this nervous feeling. Not that Midoriya wasn't kind or comforting, but Todoroki just felt... different... Of course, I just had to brush off that confusion. 'No, Tenya. You have to make the world proud that you took on the name Ingenium, not make a fool of the name.' I thought to myself. 'I shall go train my engines to take my mind off of this topic.' I walked out to the training grounds, expecting to be alone. However, there stood the women in my class. Just about as I was about to say hi, Momo Yaoyorozu spotted me and said, "Iida! How are you this evening?" I smiled and replied simply, "I am doing well, thank you. How about you girls?" There was a slight murmur of "Good" and "Great, thank you" among them. Yaomomo, the girls, and I were always somewhat close, as I always was keeping them protected from Mineta. Then I remembered, I came here to train. "I apologize, but I have come here to train. I should get on with it." As I walked away, I decided to use my Recipro Burst. I sped around, trying to use my Burst as long as possible, having the shortest reboot time. I was there for nearly two hours before I decided to head back to the dorms.

    I entered the dorms, seeing Todoroki, Bakugou, and Midoriya on the couch. Bakugou was in the corner with Midoriya snuggled up next to him. Todoroki was on the other side of the couch, chatting with Midoriya. As soon as I closed the door behind me, Todoroki put on his vague smile and looked at me, while Midoriya greeted me. I soon after asked, "Have you seen the girls come in yet?" Midoriya started to nod his head yes, when Todoroki said, "Yes, they have. Meaning, Ashido shouldn't be here behind the wall by the staircase, constantly snapping pictures of Midoriya and Bakugou." I sigh, and walk over to Ashido. "Ashido, you should be getting ready to go to bed! We have school tomorrow morning." Ashido then said, "But whyyyyy? Midobabe and Bakubabe look so cute together like that!" Then she started to whisper so only I could hear, "And, not to mention, the aura of a future relationship between our lovely class president and Todob-" I cut her off, "Ashido! That is highly inappropriate, especially on school premises!" Ashido rolled her eyes with a goodnight, heading back upstairs to the girls' dorms. I sigh as I walk back to Midoriya and Todoroki. "I am calling it a night. I suggest you start wrapping up your conversation. Tomorrow is Saturday, then we have a break on Sunday. Goodnight, and get some good sleep!" I head up to my dorm, somehow relieved and exhausted. 'I only talked for a little bit. Why am I so exhausted? It feels like my insides decided to take a hike to another part of my torso... Does it have to do with that Todoroki thing? No, no. I need to forget about it, it's probably nothing.' I change, and lay down, not ready for tomorrow.

    I wake up, smelling pancakes and sausage coming from downstairs. I quickly change, wondering who could be up this early. Earlier than me, anyway, which is highly unusual. I go downstairs to see Sato at the stove top, with a few small stacks of pancakes already behind him. "Ah! Sato, it smells great down here! May I ask why you decided to wake up this early? Is there some sort of special occasion?" I ask, getting a granola bar from the cabinet. He slightly looked scared and said, "Wait before you open that, please! Unless you are in a hurry, I'm making pancakes for everyone. I have been saving ingredients for this surprise, and I really want you to try them!" I stood there, a bit shocked, then I smiled and said, "I can take a bit to try them. Would you like me to wait for the others first?" Putting back the granola bar. He shook his head no, setting one of the pancake stacks in front of me, then placing a few more in front of the other stools. I thank him. "You ate it faster than it took for me to jog around the dorms," Sato said, chuckling. "Did I really? Heh, it was really good, Sato. I'm sure the others will love it!" I say, picking up by backpack, rushing out of the door. About 5 minutes later, I reach the classroom. Mr. Aizawa wasn't there yet (as usual), so I sit down at my desk, reading one of the books that Tensei used to enjoy. 

    I'm not sure how long I was reading for, but at one point everyone starting coming in the classroom as well. Starting with Kirishima, ending with... "TODOBABE AND YAOMOMO HOLDING HANDS?!" Ashido shouted out with a slight groan that I think only I caught. Yaoyorozu smiled widely and said, "Ah, yes.. We have a slight announcement to make..." Everyone was staring. I knew what this meant before they even said it, and I smelt a flower scent, as well as I felt a tickling in my throat. "Well... We started dating," Yaoyorozu said the news. Tears flooded my eyes, and I started coughing. "Please excuse me. Congratulations on your relationship. I will be back as soon as I can," I leave the room, seeing confused and delighted faces around the room. 

    I head to the nearest bathroom, coughing up blood. And then a petal.

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