Chapter 4 - Tenya Iida

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    Ashido and I then left the recovery room. We walked backed to the dorm in silence. We sat down on the couch, cooling off. After we drank nearly three bottles of water, we headed back outside to train some, rather than wasting time on games. We were outside for almost an hour before we saw Todoroki walk inside, followed shortly after by Midoriya with a tired Bakugou on his back. "Looks like our classmates are heading to the dorms now," I said, checking the clock I could see right through the dorm window. It was 6:39. We met Jirou on our way back. Her eyes were red and puffy. "Hey Iida, Mina," She said, walking with us. "Kyoka?" Ashido questioned. "Are you okay? Is it because of Yaomomo and Todobabe?" Jirou nodded. "You guys... Iida has hanahaki, doesn't he...?" Ashido and I looked startled. I answered. "How... How do you know? Why do you know?" Jirou had a sad smile on her face. "It was quite obvious." She looked forward. "We should continue this later. Todoroki is in the common room, and we don't need him knowing yet." I nodded. Ashido said, "Yeah, good idea."

    "Todobabe!" Ashido ran in as if nothing was wrong. "Oh, hello, Ashido," Todoroki replied. He looked concerned. "Iida? Are you feeling well? You're very pale," I jump at the sudden attention.

"Don't worry! I just am not feeling tip top today."

"Are you sure? This doesn't look just like a cold."

"Yes yes, Todoroki. I'm fine."

"Now your face is red? Do you have the flu? I've heard it was going around..."

"AH! Maybe I should head up to my dorm room to check it. Thank you for your concern."

"I see..."

"Ashido? Jirou? If you don't have anything else to do, would you like to head up and study together?"

    I saw Ashido and Jirou nod, before following me up to my room. I wouldn't usually do this, because it's illegal to share a dorm with the opposite gender. But, we aren't sharing the dorm, we're only hanging out there. Besides, we all know that we have nothing against or romantic for each other. Ashido really likes Sero, Jirou obviously likes Yaoyorozu, and, well. I just found out that I do like Todoroki. We really did study, we didn't mess around... Too much... The homework was done about an hour later. It was now 7:43. We decided to go downstairs, grab a small snack, and (they convinced me to 'relax' with the rules and work) play Mario Kart (cliche, hm?). 

    "AHA! I GOT YOU GUYS AGAIN!" Ashido shouted, having won 5 of the 8 games we played. Jirou won 2, and I won only 1. It was going on 9. "PFFT- Iida you did pretty good, considering you've never played before," Jirou said with a smile. I smiled back, finally feeling genuine happiness. Well, the most genuine I've had in a few years. We then decided to watch one short movie before bed. Todoroki came down just as we started it, and he asked, "What are you guys doing?" "Ah! Todoroki! Mina was just starting a short movie for us. Would you like to join us? After all, we have no school tomorrow," Jirou said, winking at me. "Sure," Todoroki sat next to me on the right side of the couch. (Below is the example. T is Todoroki, I is Iida, J is Jirou, and M is Ashido.)

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    We must have fallen asleep. I woke up hugging Todoroki from the side, and Todoroki's arm wrapped around me. It was so comfortable, I didn't want to move. I just stayed there, closing my eyes, until I hear...


"Mina, shhhh! Don't wake them up."

"It's so cute! I swear I'm taking a picture."

"Okay, but you do realize that Yaomomo and Todoroki are dating, right?"

"You should already know that it was arranged."

"Is it really?"

"You sure sound exited by that news."

"Are you as dumb as you look?"

"Good thing I got your reaction and this sweet scene in front of us on video."

"What?! Delete it!"

"Nope! No can do."

"Damn it Mina! Don't show that to Yaomo-"

   I finally decide to pull up and look at them, until I feel myself getting pulled back to Todoroki. "Where were you going?" I look at him and I feel my face flush. "W-what? Oh! I w-was getting up to talk to Jirou and Ashido!" I managed to stutter out. 


"Mina, knock it off!" 

"Ashido, stop taking pictures of Iida and I."

"Oh come on! It's cute! Plus, you and Yaomomo dating is arranged.:


"Eh? Good point I made, hm?"

"Shut it, Ashido."

   Ashido looked rather taken aback by the sudden attitude from Todoroki. Then she smirked. "Tsundere Todoroki." Todoroki glared at her. "I should get going before people get the wrong idea," He said before squeezing me in a hug quickly, then dashing upstairs. I coughed up one singular petal as soon as he left. "Iida? You're look happy, but you coughed up a petal," Jirou asked. "Before people get the wrong idea..." I repeated. Ashido and Jirou looked at each other, then back to me.

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