C h a p t e r 6

630 27 6

Autumn's POV

I unlock the front door of the house and step inside. Without checking my surroundings I walk straight down into the basement and drop my bag on my mattress. Unzipping it I quickly empty the contents and start folding them up, then place them in the box on top of my other clothes. At the moment all I have in this house is ten shirts, seven hoodies, nine pairs of sweatpants and two pairs of leggings. I have the rest of them at Link's place because knowing that everything is safe there makes me feel a small bit better. The basement doesn't have enough hiding spots for me to safely store so many clothes, besides having some over at his place makes my stay that much easier.

I check the time on my phone and notice it's almost 1 pm meaning I should get going soon. After I make sure that everything is well hidden down here I walk up to the kitchen and put a water bottle in my backpack. I check to see if I have pain medication in the smallest pocket and with a nod of approval I zip up the backpack after spotting the pills that bring me comfort on a daily basis.

Bringing my gun along is not necessary for this occasion, my two knives would probably be enough protection if there was anything happening; luckily that is a very rare thing.

The Flames have an alliance with several mafias; the americans, the italians, the spanish and the russians. We make deals with them regularly, let it be drugs or weaponary and help them out with whatever we can. Having an alliance means their enemies are now our enemies as well, specifically the french mafia likes to play petty games in Forest Hill from time to time.

It's quite easy for us to detect trouble in such a small town where everyone knows everyone, the moment an unknown figure enters the area someone will get the alarm system started which alerts the whole town.

There are red buttons set up on the poles of street signs in specific places all over Forest Hill. When working it sounds sort of like a car alarm and the speakers that are littered all across town let everyone hear it. It has four settings according to the level of danger; press the button once and you get a steady, slower beeping which means to be aware of your surroundings, press the button twice and the pace picks up a little bit which means to have your weapons on you accessible and ready for anything, press the button three times and you get a fast pace which means that an actual fight is happening and your help is required, press the button four times and the very fast beeping will let everyone know they should find a place to hide immediately as the town is in grave danger.

Luckily we have only had to use the first three settings so far and we can only be hoping that we will never need the fourth. The last time the alarm went off was about a year ago when the third setting was used due to a small attack from the french mafia.

I place my phone in my pocket as I lock the front door. Mrs Brown doesn't live that far away from me so the walk should only take a few minutes. I step onto the main road and start my walk towards 8th street, where the nice elderly lady lives.

The streets are empty as usual with a lack of cars on the road. Everything seems peaceful, that being one of the reasons why I like living here. If it wasn't for Jeremiah and David I would be having a normal life, living in a decent house, having acceptable attendance in school and I could actually have hobbies.

I was always interested in archery and guns, along with horseback riding. When it comes to riding I'm fairly sure I would be doing mounted games; which is a competitive equestrian sport that requires great riding skills and a whole lot of coordination for each rider on the team.

The only hobby I have as of right now is playing soccer on the street with other children in town on a makeshift field that's really just a bunch of chalk lines on the concrete; but even this is something I sadly can't do regularly as it heavily depends on the degree of my injuries.

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