C h a p t e r 1 4

479 26 4

Autumn's POV

„Talia...you just described one of the dons of the american mafia.”

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Several seconds pass with me silently staring at him with what I would describe as complete and utter disbelief; my eyes wide and lips slightly parted. His expression seems to somewhat mirror mine.

My biological father being the don of the american mafia means that my entire extended family owns it, which in turn would make me a mafia princess; and this information is a whole lot more shocking than it would seem to be at first glance.

Thinking about it now, it does make a whole lot of sense considering I have always had the traits, but not even that can make this fact any less shocking.

„Link...are you...are you sure we are speaking of the same person?” I ask not bothering to hide the shock in my tone.

Instead of answering me however, he just seems to be stuck staring at me until he finally snaps out of it close to a minute later.

„I would say so, yeah. Same exact name, a rich guy, the traits of a business man...that all can't be a coincidence.” he says as he rubs his temples.

„Have you ever met him? Or seen his face at all?” I continue with yet another question, hoping to find out the truth. If he has seen him I can describe how he looks like and he can tell me whether it's the same person or two different people.

„No, whenever we communicate it's always through emails. The most personal thing I have ever seen regarding him is his name. Mafia leaders rarely hold meetings with gang leaders unless there is a war going on, which we luckily haven't experienced for a little over a year as you know but even then I have only spoken to his oldest brother, not him directly.” Link explains making me nod along, still shocked at the depth of the information which was just revealed.

„And umm...where exactly do they live?” I dare ask sincerely hoping that it isn't too far away from here. If they allow it I would love to visit them from time to time, seeing as there are train tracks just a bit of a ways away from the edge of town and trains can travel faster than cars due to there being no traffic.

„I would say probably a 40 minute drive away from here including some driving on the highway as well as the drive in town.” answers Link making me release a sigh of relief. I could work with that.

Link starts up the car and backs out of the parking lot. The traffic is currently not too bad, which I'm thankful for as I have to get home in time.

„God damn, Talia. This is so fucking unbelievable, you could be related to a mafia...” I hear him mumble under his breath.

„I'm just glad we are allies, imagine if I was the heiress to their enemy gang.” I say chuckling even though it's anything but funny. If that was the case they could crush me with the tip of their pinky finger; family or not.

„That would be pretty uhh...unfortunate so to speak.” he chuckles but keeps his focus on the road. I can tell we are thinking about the same thing -we sure are lucky to be leader and future leader of the Flames due to our alliance with them; we both know the consequences of getting on that family's bad side.

„I don't think it would be wise to tell them that I'm involved in the underground though, or to say anything about me knowing that they are part of it as well.” I state, thinking out loud.

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