Chapter 19~The phone call~

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(/-Music chapter recommended /-)

The two in there respected rooms
Moaning each other's names
And falling asleep
With the thought of the other waltzing together in a dream filled with magic and passion
But something still stood in there way a relationship and an unspoken romance
But there were forces working against them
Because they already knew the ultimate outcome
How there fates were
Or so they thought

•Guard my Heart•

I was awakened my a small nudge
My eyes slowly flutter
And to my surprise it was corbyn with messy hair
The hickey I made on his neck
The hoodie he was wearing last night with small drops of blood from my wrist

"Daniel please sit up I'd like to Clean our wrist"
He said in a sleepy voice that was raspy

"Mmm I need my beauty sleep"
I say horsely
I pull up the sheets and lay on my stomach

"Daniel please Im begging"
He says softly

I say "no" to see that he would do next
I lay on my back again
He pulls the sheets of Me revealing my bare chest
And my shorts were clearly to low
My pelvis muscles shown
And so did my hip bones
Exposing my v line
He looked down and back up quickly shaking his head
"Sit up please"
There was strain in his voice

I sit up he takes my wrist and uses hydrogen peroxide
"Ahhh fuck that hurts"
I mumbled

"Well next time don't cut yourself" he says softly

"Don't tell me what I can't fucking do"

He glances up at me
And back down
His eyes drift to my stomach and hips
And back to my wrist
His caring touch
Soft and kind
He finished cleaning it and looked at me intently
He looked lost and to see if I gave him some answer
And without thinking I leaned and kissed him
He closed his eyes then as if something clicked in his mind he pulled away

"We" he gestured to both of us
"We .... We can't keep doing this, whatever this is
I have a boyfriend what we ..." he took a deep breath his raspy voice straining
"What we did together last night wasn't right so what got into you snap out of it or we're going to have a problem" he says looking into my eyes

"You didn't stop me, and I bet you taste so damn good"
I say laying back down and arching my back
I saw his eyes wander and so did his hands up and down my body
I look slyly at him and take his hands and put them on my hips

The look in his eyes was temptation And anger
He never talked about his feelings he was very reserved but his eyes said it all

Hesitantly he leaned down and kiss my stomach and traveling down my torso to my hips
My breath hitched
I wasn't expecting him to do anything but this I could live with
He continues till there was a knock on a door
He quickly got up and cursed under his breath
"What ever made you want me all of a sudden get it out of your damn head Seavey, and for your information I didn't ask for this job who would want to look after a rich royal snob" he upend the door and it was Elliot

Elliot eyes me then him
And pulls him away
I hear them arguing from down the hall
Karmas a bitch isn't it Elliot

I pick up my phone and make a call

"Hello is this Mr.Sangster ?"

~Guard my heart/Dorbyn~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin