Chapter 28 ~All the good boys go to hell~

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~Music recommended~

~Guard My Heart~

In 5 weeks I had to be ready to capture corbyn
And I was no where near ready I looked different and I could control someone that didn't do much if I didn't know how to control it
I sit there in a chair next to Ryder
He hated me and if he could control his full transformation he wouldn't hesitate to kill me
Me and him glare at each other

"What do they plan on doing with me"
He asks

"You will help us catch you brother"
I say plainly

"Why do you need my brother?"

"Because he's stronger than you and on top of that a full demon not necessarily a camboin like you l"
I say

"Fair enough"
He says leaning back in his chair

I hear a door open and Zach and Jack walk into the basement/training ground

"Ryder get up"
Says Zach

Ryder reluctantly gets up and stands in the center of the floor

Jack and Zach Stand next to me

"Transform" says Zach

Ryder transforms into his humanoid state
The one brown eye and blue eye, horns out of his head and dang like teeth and dark eyes bags
And pale with black veins

"Good now turn into a windigo"
Says Zach

"I can't"
Says Ryder plainly

"I don't care  try it"
Says Zach harshly

I watch Ryder as he strains all his energy
There were moments where a flash a smoke appeared and then it vanished

He says exhausted

"Elliot make him transform"

"But I don't kno-"

"Figure it the fuck out, don't give me a reason to kill you"

I was shocked at his words
Jack gave Zach a stern look

I close my eyes and concentrate on Ryder

"Wait no I'm not r-"
His words drowned out and the smell of smoke began to emerge
And the next moment he was a windigo
"Change him into a hell hound"
Orders Zach

I close my eyes once more and the smell of smoke enters my nose again
When I open my eyes
The room was covered in smoke
And Ryder was no where to be seen
"He's going to try and kill you, channel your power without closing your eyes"

I panic
I stand up out of my chair and walk around
I hear low growl noises and breathing behind me
I turn around right when he decides to jump
I throw my hand out and everything went silent
I closed my eyes because I was scared and I slowly opened them
I stopped him
The smoke began to settle down and standing in front of me was a massive dog
Bigger than a Great Dane
And absolutely stunning

All black with a streak of red
And the same mismatched eyes of Ryder

I look down at my hands that pretty cool
I wave my hand around in motions
And I look back over at Jack and Zach,and zach and Jack were standing there with knive around them

I look back at the wall with all of the knives and they weren't there I guess I moved them
I smiled
"Let's try and not kill me please"
Says Zach walking around the knives and toward the door with Jack

~Guard my heart/Dorbyn~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora