I Got You Back Now. -Velvetfrost

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-Readers pov-
Ant was doing something around egg and he heard velvet saying " ant can we cuddle..?" ant answered with annoyed voice " velvet i told you milon times im busy!" "but you are always busy with that egg thing!" "just get out!" velvet looked down "b-but"  "velvet get out before I fucking kill you!" "s-sorry..." velvet went out the egg area
-Velvets pov -
After i left egg area i went to my house. I just wanted my Ant back... He changed a lot and when i say a lot I mean it he spend nights by that egg not coming home ever! Like is that egg so important!? I layed on my bed and hugged pillow
-Quackitys pov -
I got so enough of this stupid egg thing i dicided to make a little group of ppl to help me destroy it tonight. It was so fucking annoying and is controlling ppl like damn dolls! I went to velvets house I was sure he would say yes  I knocked on his doors seeing him opening doors "hello velvet." "hello quackity do you need something?" he asked and i replied with "actually i was wondering if you wanted to destroy that stupid egg with me tonight" he said " say less im doing it with you. I want my boyfriend back that stupid egg took him i hate it." "alright dont forget your armor tonight"
-at dinner (i forgot how it's named lmao-)  velvets pov-
I was waiting for quackity to show sign to start destroying this egg thing I keept staring at Ant he is so fucking cute I just want to cuddle him in my bed and kiss him anyways quackity showed sign i puted my armor on and i took my sword while quackity was talking i watched as techno and purpled came in i was just staring at and as I saw puffy almost killing ant i just wanted to cry but i stayed calm, I looked away i can't just watch my own boyfriend getting killed
-after fight yes im fucking lazy chat :D Ants pov-
I woke up in a bed? Wasn't I fighting for egg tf happened..? I looked around and saw velvet? Wait how can i think for myself? Egg is controlling me.? What is happening..? I saw velvet coming up To me and hugging me I hugged him back but i was confused i heared him saying " welcome home kitty" he started cuddling me I was so happy that i fanily can think for myself and not getting controlled I started cuddling back  and i kissed him "God i love him.." i tough i keept cuddling him and soon i fell asleep
-in the morning ants pov-
(have even more fluff :>)
I woke up bc of smell of food I got  up and went to kitchen and hugged him while he was making food i started sniffing his shirt it was smell of other cat i started cuddling him i was jealous i said "mine." he replied "only yours kitty" i smiled and warped my legs around him and keept cuddling him i smiled and i fell back asleep


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