The Holders

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The Holders are four different people, who are extremely powerful and could crush you in a battle, but of course they can't reaveal who they are, the Holders are chosen at birth. And 17 years ago was when the Holders were born, they had to learn how to control their magic and how to not reveal it to the public. So when Earth became chaos, the Holders will have to stop it by going through many different challenges, and coming close to death. So will it be worth it in the end?

The oneshot:

Purpled's eyes fluttered open, slowly adjusting to the light, it was dim, but being the Dark magic holder gives you hatred for the smallest bit of light, especially if you don't need it to see. He sat up, the magic once again flowing through his veins. He could hear small chatter coming from the outside, he slowly stood up walking over to the wardrobe.

He slipped on one of his Purple hoodies and some black pants, he ran a comb through his hair to make it look decent, he sighed as he walked to his small kitchen and made some breakfast. He ate his breakfast peacefully, hearing the unusual banter from outside, wait banter? This town is extremely peaceful, he sat up and moved the curtains from his apartment window, what he saw outside was not normal at all, there was people with swords left and right, some fighting with them, some fighting with words.

His mind pondered to what could of happened, until he remembered

| Flashback |

"One day, the world will become corrupted, full of chaos and warfare. You will have to find the other holders, and go to the mountain of Mageia, and you will need this map to get there." The older handed Purpled a map, which had a red X on a mountain, and some parts of the world on it. The map looked as if it was ripped from a big paper.

"The three other holders have a map that connects to this, if you put yours with anothers, they will connect" Young Purpled took the map and slowly put it on one of his shelves.

| End of flashback |

Purpled ran over to the same shelf, looking through it quickly also taking anything he might need for this journey he was about to do. He stopped on a peice of paper, he pulled it out and laid it on the counter, he ran to his room and pulled out  a dufflebag and then grabbed some clothing, he also picked up a coat and snow boots, he doesn't know how long this journey will take and it's getting close to winter.

He went back to the kitchen and grabbed a small lunchbox that you could put thousands of things into due to him casting a spell on it, he took half of the food in his fridge and shoved it in, followed by all of his drinks. He walked back to the shelf and took every book he would need and he grabbed his pillow.

He took the lunchbox and put it in the dufflebag, he then slung it over his shoulders and climbed to the roof of the building. He ran across roofs, jumping and climbing, his footsteps making very little noise until he reached the wall surrounding the kingdom of Bedwars.

He went behind the brick wall of a fireplace, and started casting a spell to teleport him. He opened his eyes to see the wall surrounding the town behind him, and a forest in front of him. He pulled out his map examining it carefully and debating where he should go.

He could go to the mountain, but then he would have to wait for the other holders. He could try and use his magic to teleport the other holders to him, but then he would be drained and wouldn't be able to fix the world. Or he could try to find the other Holders, he decides that would be the best option and starts to use his magic to create a fast horse.

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