The Invitations

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[Author P.O.V]

"Camellia! When are you getting off today? I'm waiting for your pretty ass to get off work and have a drink with us," yelled a customer. 

Camellia was at her part-time job that she took to get a new car before her last year in college. Mark's Edge is a restaurant but most of the customer came to drink more then eat but the place is close from home and pays well so Camellia took the job when her college roommate, Joey, suggested it to her. 

"I will get off work when you leave," reply Camellia, as she dry the plates and cups clean.

"Ooo, I think you just got rejected Larry," said his friend.

Larry is a small business owner. From elementary to high school, he and Camellia went to the same school. Larry always had a crush on Camellia and even confessed to her once but she had no interest in him but he never gave up on her.

Larry got up from his table and walk toward Camellia, swaying from side to side until he got to the counter. He slam his hands on the counter and raise his finger.

"Just one drink. It's not like I'm asking you to sleep with me," he said and laughed.

Camellia stopped wiping the plates and pull them down. She pull out a tray from the bottom and starts stacking them onto the tray.

Camellia look up at Larry and said, "I think you had too much to drinks. You should go home, Larry."

She stacked everything on the tray and picked it up. 

"Goodbye, Larry," she said and turned around toward the kitchen.

Larry grab her left hand to turn her back to him. Camellia didn't have enough strength to hold the tray with one hand and the plates and cups fell on the floor and breaks. 

Everybody in the room turned to the loud crash at the counter. 

Larry didn't let go of his grip. Camellia placed the tray on the counter and tries to pull her hand away but she couldn't.

"Let go of me, Larry. You're hurting me," said Camellia.

Larry lowered his head.

"How about my pain? I've...I've waited for you for a long time. To the point the whole town knows about it and you still won't look at me," said Larry.

He sat down on the tall chair near him and pulled Camellia closer to him.

He looked up into her eyes and said, with tears forming in his eyes, "Why not me? I can give you everything you want. So...why not me, Camie?"

Camellia didn't know what to say or do but as his grip loosen, she tries to pull her hand but he tighten his grip even more. Camellia looked around to see if Joey was around to help her out but she wasn't. Camellia started to feel scared.

"I'm sorry, Larry. I'm sorry, so please let go of my hand. You are hurting me," said Camellia, with watery eyes.

"Not until you drink with me. Just one drink. Okay?!," said Larry. 

He pulled her around the counter and toward his table but someone grab Camellia right hand. Camellia turn to see if it was Joey, it was not her but Camellia expression lit up after she saw him.

"Noah!," Camellia said in a relief tone.

"Camellia! I wasn't sure if t was really you but it is you," said Noah.

Noah is one of Camellia childhood friend before she even came to America. They lost contact after Noah moved. They haven't seen each other since 8th grade but Camellia was really glad that he is here. Camellia gave him some eye single to help her out. 

"Is that you Larry? I didn't even recognized you," said Noah. 

Larry scanned Noah and pulled Camellia closer to him but Noah didn't let her go. 

"Noah...ahhh, I remember you. The guy bestfriend who tried to keep me away from Camellia," said Larry.

His grip tighten and Camellia squeal in pain. Noah noticed.

"Let go of her hand," said Noah.

"Or what?! What you going to do? This is my girl and everyone in this town knows," said Larry.

Everyone attention was on them now. Larry raised their hands in the air and wave it around. 

"Let go of her hand now or you'll be staying in the cold jail cell for the night instead of your warm home," said Noah and showed his badge. 

"Dude, he must be the new detective our precinct is expecting. Let her go Larry, if you don't want to get in trouble," said one of his friend at the table.

Larry hesitated to let go but as people in the room starts to stand up and stares at him, he finally let go after he got some sense back and saw Camellia face.

"I'm so sorry, Camellia. I didn't mean to...," said Larry after he sober up a bit.

"Just go...," said Camellia. 

 Larry grab his things and left with is group.

Camellia slowly rub her left hand wrist that is now bruising from Larry's grip. Noah got in front of her and put his hand on her shoulder.

" okay?," he ask.

"Yeah...yeah I'm fine now. Thanks to you," she said, looking up at him and smiled.

They talked for a while after as Camellia clean up the mess Larry made. They reminisce old memory from back in school and Noah invited her to his upcoming birthday party. 

"I want you to meet someone that'll be coming to my party," said Noah.

"Is it a celebrity?!," ask Camellia. Noah shook his head.

"Umm...Don't tell me it's him," said Camellia in a small voice. Noah sighed.

"I did invited him but I'm not sure if he's gonna come. Anyway, it's not him. I'll see you at the party then," said Noah and they said goodbyes.

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