Our First Glance

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[Author P.O.V]

-Noah Birthday Party Day-

"You promised you would come so you have to come," said Noah to Camellia on the phone. 

Camellia was on her bed, still deciding if she should get up or not. 

"I know, I know," said Camellia and she went silent for a second.

"Don't tell me you are still in bed. Camellia?," ask Noah. 

Camellia opened her eyes and stood up on her bed.

"No! Why would I still be in bed when its already the evening?," she said with a little laugh and a little guilt in her voice. Noah didn't say anything.

"Okay. I'm sorry. I was still in bed. I've been working overtime to pay off the plate and cups that broke that night," said Camellia. 

"Didn't you tell the manager what happened? They should have covered it or ask Larry for compensation. I don't understand why you are paying for the damage he made," ask Noah.

"I know. But it's a good place that pays well too. I don't want to lose it. I paid it off last night so I'm good now. Just a little tired from all the extra shifts I took," said Camellia. Noah was silent on the phone again. 

"But don't worry, I won't miss your birthday party. I was able to rest up well and I'm full of energy to party at your party!," Camellia screamed over the phone. Noah finally laughed.

"Okay. I'll see you later tonight then. Look your best since there's someone you have to meet," said Noah.

"I have no idea who you want me to meet but I'll try. See you later," said Camellia and they hung up.

Camellia got off her bed and stretched. She pull out her pink dress from her closet and set it on her bed and rush off to shower. 

Camellia was getting ready when the door bell rings. Her mother came in her room.

"Hey, honey. Wow, you looks beautiful tonight. Just to let you know Joey is downstairs waiting for you," said Camellia's mother. 

She kissed Camellia on her forehead and said, "Have fun tonight and tell Noah I said hi."

"I will, mother," said Camellia and her mother left. 

Camellia sprayed some perfume on her wrists and rub it on her neck. She grab her purse and ran downstairs. Joey was waiting for her in the living room. She had her favorite two-piece purple outfit on and dark purple shadows on. Camellia invited Joey to come with her to the party because she didn't want to go by herself.

"Damn girl. Who you trying to impress?," ask Joey after scanning Camellia up and down.

"No one. I'm going to be meeting some old friends so I was to look good. You said that to me but look at yourself princess. Who are you trying to impress?," ask Camellia as she put on her heels.

Joey got up from the sofa and walk over to the door, doing her catwalk. 

She flipped her hair and said, "Everyone at the party," with a smirk.  Camellia rolled her eyes and they laughed. 

"Mom! We're leaving now," Camellia yelled to her mother who was upstairs.

"Okay, honey. Don't come back too late and call me if anything happens," her mother yelled back. 

They rushed out the door and hop on the car. 

When they got to the party, it was packed. Luckily they found a spot right next to the entrance as if it was reserved for them while others were having trouble with parking spot.

They got off and went inside. The place the party was being held was huge and the inside looks like an expensive club place. The lights were wild and people was dancing everywhere. 

Camellia starts looking for Noah but he was nowhere to be found. Joey ran off somewhere saying she was going to get them a drink. Camellia walk around the house to find Noah but couldn't find him. She saw a pool in the back and went out. She look around but still didn't find him. She stood  near the pool and looked at her phone.

"Where the hell is he?!," Camellia said out loud, a little annoyed. 

She's been looking for him for a while and calling him but he wasn't picking up.

"Are you looking for someone?," ask a voice from behind her. 

She turned around and almost slipped when her heels got stuck in the drain near her. The guy grab her hand and pulled her toward him. He wrap his arm around her waist and spanned her around and his other hand holding onto her arm.

Camellia closed her eyes, scared. 

"You're okay now," said the man. 

Camellia slowly opened her eyes. The guy gave her a warm smile and his dimples appear. They weren't big or on his cheeks but instead small, on both side of his lips. From his eyes, Camellia attention went to his lips.

"Dimples...," said Camellia.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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