Chapter 17

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Devaney POV

Uncle Asher and Aunt Nila are at the house watching me, Zoey, Ruby, and Drago. Drago and Zoey love playing together. They are so cute. Little Drago even tries to impress Zoey all of the time. A three-year-old player?

All of a sudden we hear Zoey yelling.

"We don't like you, you hurt Julian. Go away!" Zoey yells.

"So who are you, one of those bitches miserable pups!" I hear Danielle say to my little sister. That woman is going to get it. That's when I hear Zoey scream, and I run to the door. I get to the doorway and see Drago standing in front of Zoey. He is creating little flickers of flame. In a different situation, I would think this was way too cute.

Asher comes from around the corner, apparently he heard Zoey scream, too. "I suggest you leave before my sister comes home and beats your ass!" Asher hollers.

"I'd like to see her do that. Miserable whore!" Danielle sneers. Danielle just won't take a hint.

I've had about enough, so I step out of the doorway and walk towards Danielle. "What the hell are you doing here lady? You messed Julian's life up once, you're not going to do it again." By this time, I am standing between Danielle and the rest of the kids.

"And what do you plan to do about it?" Danielle scoffs. I guess this woman is crazy.

I am getting so upset that I never noticed that the drinks from everyone's cups are starting to come out of the cups.

"Dev, the drinks." Zoey calls out.

That was all the distraction Danielle needed to charge me, which caused her to run into a force field. I look over and see mom standing at the side of the house. The pack must have seen the commotion and called mom and Julian.

Mom doesn't hold the force field up long before she's on the ground screaming in pain holding her stomach.

"Mom!" I scream running for her. "Julian!" I bellow, and he is behind us in a snap.

"What the hell happened, Dev?" Julian asks concerned.

"Mom was protecting us from Danielle with a force field, and she just collapsed." I explained.

Julian's eyes turned pitch black, and he started stalking towards Danielle.

"Julian!" I hear someone command in an alpha tone. It must be Scarlett. "Get Eva to the doctor. I will handle this bitch." Scarlett commands.

Julian comes rushing to mom's side and picks her up. He uses his speed to leave, and all I can do is rush back to get my sister. Asher is taking us to the pack hospital. Something is wrong with mom, and I plan to be there when they let us know what. Losing one sibling was enough for a lifetime, I certainly hope that I don't lose these two.

"Asher!" I cry out.


"Take us to the pack hospital. I want to be there."

"Of course." He answers, and we wait for little Drago to come running back to us before we take off for the hospital.

Scarlett POV

"Warriors!" I yell. "Take this woman to the cells. Now!" I command. It's time for this woman to leave my territory - permanently.

As Grant, Mariah and the other warriors drag a yelling Danielle out the door, my son Drago comes running up to me, looking conflicted. I know he's become quite attached to Zoey, so he probably wants to go with the rest of Eva's family to the hospital.

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