Chapter 2- Danger Brewing

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A couple of minutes later hurried footsteps sounded behind Adrian, before long one could see Steven with disheveled hair and wrinkled clothes running towards them.

He came to a stop beside Adrian with both hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath "I...I'm re...ready, lets go...." Steven barely manages to struggle out those words between his gasps for air.

"Took you long enough, the Ceremony is thirty minutes away from starting," said Sam as he started walking ahead first.

The Taurus Village was located in the Sky Kingdom, although it has 'village' in its name it can't really be called a village due to its size, it was more fitting to call it a town instead.

This circumstance where the name doesn't match its size came about due to the words of the village founder, 'Marcus Taurus'. After founding the village he declared that in the future if the village ever expanded, the name shouldn't be changed, rather it should be kept as a reminder for later generations that, the now large town with a populace of over fifty thousand people, was once a small village with just a few hundred residents. Even though the founder had good intentions when he made that declaration, he couldn't have imagined the sheer amount of headache his successors would have, due to the misunderstandings that came about when the village became a town, but still had 'village' in its name.

The successive Village Heads had wanted to change the name several times, but doing that would've gone against the founder's wishes, which was said to be able to bring about bad karma that could lead the 'village' to ruins.

Even though it was just superstitions, with this world having supernatural elements like magic, anything might be possible.

As the group of four walked through the bustling streets to their destination, from time to time people would turn to look at their school uniforms and show surprise expressions.

The uniforms they were wearing were the uniform of the most prestigious school in Taurus Village, known to all as 'Taurus School of Magic'. The school is mainly focused on training talented children between the ages of ten and eleven to become Sorcerer Candidates.

A Sorcerer Candidate is someone who is able to put their knowledge about Magic Theory to practice by casting level 1 up to level 9 magic spells.

A Candidate's level is determined by the highest level of spell he or she can cast, so, a level 1 Sorcerer Candidate can only cast level 1 spells.

That's the most basic requirement needed for anyone to be called a Sorcerer Candidate, however, in Taurus School of Magic, you only get the status of a Sorcerer Candidate when you're able to learn, and cast level 2 and level 3 spells within a split second.

The reason for this is that level 1 spells are not considered battle-oriented.

For instance, the level 1 spell 'Rain Drops', serves to only wash households dishes, and the spell 'Ignite' could at most be used for cooking or lighting a small fire.

If the school were to start teaching these level 1 spells to their students when they enter sparing matches or competitions with neighboring Schools, they become the biggest laughing stock.

Some Sorcerer Candidates are given the title of Body Enhancers or just Enhancers. They mainly use internal mana to boost their physical attributes, such as their strength or speed, they were unlike normal Candidates who use external magic to affect their surroundings and environment.

In Taurus School of Magic, after the students have adequate knowledge in Magic Theory and passed their Practical Magic course by being able to cast level 2 and 3 spells with sufficient speed, the School holds a ceremony in the town square called the 'Sorcerer Candidate Ceremony'.

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